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As Jax and Kira strolled towards the base cantina, Jax couldn't resist the urge to playfully tease his companion. His lighthearted jabs and witty banter brought a smile to Kira's face, and the two continued their playful exchange as they made their way to their destination.

"You know, General, I have to say that you looked quite impressive out there on the battlefield. I'm not sure if it was your Jedi training or just raw talent, but either way, I was impressed."

Kira laughed at Jax's comment. "Oh, please, Commander. I couldn't have done it without your support and leadership. You and your troops were the ones who saved the day."

Jax grinned. "Well, I guess we make a pretty good team then, don't we?"

Kira smiled back at Jax. "Yes, I suppose we do."

As they entered the base, Jax and Kira were greeted by their fellow troops, who were celebrating their victory. Jax ordered drinks for both of them and they settled into a quiet corner of the room to relax.

As they sipped their drinks, Jax couldn't resist flirting with Kira again. "So, General, if you're ever looking for someone to watch your back on the battlefield, I'm your man."

Kira chuckled. "Is that so, Commander? Well, I'll keep that in mind."

As the night went on, Jax and Kira continued to talk and joke with each other, their easy banter and playful teasing a reflection of the deep bond they had formed on the battlefield.

"Please, call me Jax." He replied, "We don't have to be so professional off the battlefield.

Kira smiled, "Alright then, Jax. But you know, as a Jedi, I have to maintain a certain level of formality."

Jax leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh really? And what if I were to tell you that I prefer a more... informal approach?"

Kira couldn't help but laugh. "I think we'll have to meet somewhere in the middle, Commander."

Jax grinned. "I think I can live with that."

As the night went on, Jax and Kira enjoyed each other's company, chatting and laughing until the early morning hours. When it was time to say goodbye, they both knew that their relationship had grown stronger. They had fought alongside each other, shared moments of joy, and created a deep connection that extended beyond the battlefield.

As Jax strolled through the quiet corridors of his base, heading back to his quarters, his mind couldn't help but dwell on Kira. He realized that their relationship was much more than a fleeting attraction. Kira was his dependable partner, someone he trusted and could count on through any challenges that the universe may bring. And he swore to himself that he would do everything possible to keep her safe, whether they were battling enemies or simply living their lives.


After Jax departed, Kira's mind was in chaos. As a Jedi, she was not allowed to develop emotional bonds, but as she closed her eyes and replayed the events of the day in her mind, she couldn't help but admit that Jax had captured her heart. His bravery, his humor, and his unwavering dedication to the Republic had all won her over.

Kira knew that she needed to find a way to balance her duty as a Jedi with her growing feelings for Jax. She couldn't let her emotions cloud her judgment or put the mission at risk. Taking a deep breath, Kira resolved to keep her feelings in check. She would continue to fight alongside Jax and the 45th Elite Legion, but she would also maintain a professional distance. It wouldn't be easy, but she knew that it was the right thing to do.

As she lay down on her bed and closed her eyes, Kira couldn't help but hope that fate would bring her and Jax together again. But for now, she knew that she needed to focus on the task at hand and let the future unfold as it may.

Kira tried to analyze her feelings as she lay there on her bed, but she found it difficult to put them into words. She felt drawn to Jax in a way that she had never experienced before. It was more than just admiration for his bravery and skill as a commander. There was something deeper there, something that stirred within her whenever she was near him.

As Kira closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, she tried to clear her mind and gain clarity. She knew that as a Jedi, she had to be mindful of her emotions and avoid attachment. But she couldn't shake the feeling that Jax was different.

Eventually, Kira drifted off to sleep, her mind filled with dreams of battles and Jedi training. But even in her dreams, Jax was never far from her thoughts.

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