Chapter 2: Situation Tranquility

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The chaos continues...

Sam and Max were on their way to the Moa Claire Temple in their vintage 1960 DeSoto Adventurer. "Hey Sam!" Max yelled. "What is it little buddy?" Sam said. "Could you remind me what our client's problem was, I think one of those crooks hit me on the head harder than expected." "Sure pal," Sam said. "She said that some incidents have been occurring around Lunatea, weird incidents. From mobsters robbing places whilst wearing strange unidentified stuffed animal heads, dead rising from their graves and going to an unknown location instead of starting the apocalypse, and strange sightings of Hairy, Naked, La-Lakoosha denizens with big feet in the nearby forest." Sam said seriously.

"Well for the mobsters, I'm pretty sure it's just those bandits from earlier trying to hide what I did to their faces. For the zombies, the client probably has schizophrenia and watches too many episodes of walking dead. For the hairy nudists, they are either prehistoric creatures in the process of breeding so that when the time comes they will attack Lunatea and kill everyone or they are trying to form a nudist society, and worst of all, only one scenario allows me to shoot them!" Max said. "You will kill them if they are prehistoric creatures?" Sam said puzzlingly. "No, the other scenario!" Max said while grinning. "You continue to confuse and befuddle me little buddy" Sam said with a straight face. "Is befuddled a real word?"

Not long after, Sam and Max finally arrived at the temple. They parked Desoto there by crashing it in the leg of a statue of priestess, somehow not causing any real visible damage to the statue or the Desoto. "Well Max, we're finally here, the Claire Moa Temple." Sam said. "Hey Sam, is this some sort of church?" Max said. "Well they do worship a heavenly being and people stay here due to their faith so i guess you could say that." Sam said. "OH, where are all the curvy nuns?" Max said with a grin on his face. "But Max, you don't even like girls." Sam said. "Oh yeah"Max said. "Oh and also what is that statue we crashed into?" "Well due to what other places of faith do, I'm assuming that's the goddess that all of Lunatea worship, Claire" Sam said. Max looked puzzled, "Claire, that's the name of their goddess? I was hoping for something more like the great claire-sama, warrior of light and scourge of darkness." "You crack me up, little buddy," Sam said with a smile.

"Well let's stop goofing off and meet our client" Sam said as he went for the door while Max followed him. But before Sam could knock, someone yelled out from behind. "Stop what you're doing!" Sam and Max turned around and saw Lolo from earlier with Klonoa and Popka side by side with her. "Hey Sam, isn't that the girl you untied one chapter ago." Max said. "Why It is," Sam said. Sam then started to walk up to Lolo. "Hello there, I guess you wanted to thank me for savei-." But Before Sam could finish, Klonoa and Popka Got in front of Lolo with scowls in their faces. "Stay away from her, you monsters!" Klonoa said. "That includes you, bunny!" Popka while pointing to Max. "Did you just call me, bunny? Max said in disbelief, Max then got angry. "WHY YOU!" Max was about to pull something out until Sam yelled out "Everyone calm down!" Lolo pointed at Sam and said "and why should we trust you?" "Now the three of you may seem scared of us, but once you get to know us, you'll see that you have nothing to worry about." Sam then tried to pull something out of his pocket, but before he could pull the item out, Popka suddenly punched Sam in the gut, causing him to fly and slam into the wall near the temple entrance. "Take that monster!" Popka yelled.

"SAM!" Max yelled while he ran up to him, "Are you okay?" Sam groaned, "I'm fine little buddy." Sam said while he rubbed his shoulder. "Permission to at least teach that yellow dog a lesson of pain?" Max said with some anger in his voice. Everyone got in a battle stance, Popka got his claws out, Klonoa readied his wind ring, and Lolo got in a spell stance. Then, Sam stood up, grabbed Max and yelled bluntly "Sic him little buddy!" Sam then tossed Max at Popka while Max yelled "OOGA BOOGA!"

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