Random Headcanons!

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I reckon' that Giovanni and his Banzai Blasters have literally the exact same relationship as children and father. Like, for example, Giovanni goes to the shop to steal stuff and he shouts to his Banzai Blasters "Do you guys want anything?" And his Banzai Blasters will all individually shout what sweets and soda's they want and stuff for him to buy, and when Giovanni actually ends up going to steal the stuff from the shop, he ends up forgetting and just ends up buying them what they want normally and bringing it home like a dad would.

Tbh I think that after Ramsey was put in prison, Percy sometimes / often comes to his cell to visit and secretly have a little chat with him <3

Giovanni has no idea what gender Spike's gender is, so he just assumed her to be a boy. When he found out she was a girl, he was literally flabbergasted.

This ones kinda dark but I reckon' Giovanni's two moms are obv his adoptive moms and his biological parents died (I have proof ngl)
(Also I know most of these include Giovanni I love him okay and he's my highest kin >:3)

Trixie always tries to count sheep when they're trying to go to sleep but they just end up getting completely off-track and start bringing turtles and donkeys into it.

Whilst Molly, Trixie and Phoenica were watching Titanic, Pheonica was sobbing, Trixie was laughing their heads off, and Molly was just staring at the TV with wide eyes, emotionless.

Mera had a huge DSMP phase when she was a teenager and hates the colour green cause of it.

When Trixie gets asked what gender they are, they just say 'demon'.

When somebody asks Yoomtah how many genders there are, she says 'one'.

Phoenica plays Adopt Me on Roblox. Be honest.

When Sylvie came out of hospital, (episode 4) Molly was the happiest she's ever been, Giovanni acted upset, but deep down, he was also happy.

Giovanni really really really likes anime, especially the ones you wouldn't expect him to like (goofy Sailor Moon fan).

Ramsey takes furry art commissions on Discord (he's not trying to do it in a weird way, he's just here to help :3).

Molly collects cute little stickers and puts them all over her face occasionally for fun / out of boredom.

Since Giovanni is legally an adult, he takes Sylvie and Molly (and sometimes Trixie and Phoenica too) to places like trampoline parks.

Giovanni and Rick surprisingly get along really well.
(I haven't seen Prison Of Plastic yet so pls ignore if some of these are canon).

Phoenica collects all of the Epithet Erased plushies.

Mera occasionally comes to Molly's toy store to ask for Molly's epithet (to do the quiet thing from episode 4).

Not sure if I'll be making more, I'll see! Tysm for reading! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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