The Makers Pleasure

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Dedicated to my new follower, TheShipArtSailor, thank you so much for following me, and I love your stories! Can't wait to see what you do with them!

These things the stories tell,
you see my heart, it knows them well.
My only thought is to impart,
To tell this story and enrich your heart.
But it is for you to find its treasure,
And see what it is to achieve it's measure.

A broken king who gave in to what's wrong,
In his darkness, he sang the stone keeper's song.
Lost and alone, he forgot who he'd been,
But in the end, he found his goodness then.
Forgotten were those tears he cried,
Fighting to save his children's lives, he died.

A man who roamed about the strands,
And for adventure, he sailed to far-off lands.
And though the dragons called him scale raker,
In the end, he chose to serve The Maker.
Old mistakes he had to mend,
For by the dragon's teeth, he met his end.

A boy who gave in to his selfish pride,
And from his duty, he tried to hide.
But out from among the sadness and strife,
He became the seed of sacrifice that gave his life.
A throne warden's honor to serve his King, he died as he listened to his people sing.

For this is the maker's pleasure,
And for man, there is no greater treasure;
To find this love no eye can even measure.

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