New faces

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Aria's POV


My smile starts to grow wider as we get closer to the ground.

"I can tell you're very excited." Miss Marie chuckles at my happiness.

"Of course I am!" I squeal, "This is the first time in Paris, And even better I'm going to be on a show In Paris!" I exclaimed jumping up and down from my seat. Miss Marie continues smiling and looks away. I feel the ground land due to the turbulence and I wait for the air attendants to say we can get up. One she does jump up excitedly and wait my turn to leave the plane.

Once I get Willow and my other luggage I step outside of the airport with Miss Marie and get a big whiff of my new surroundings. I breathed in only to breathe out very quickly because the air was... Not pleasant to say the least. I turn to Miss Marie to see her waving for a taxi. One quickly pulls up and we get in. I hear Miss Marie give an address to the driver in French and decide just to enjoy the ride and enjoy the view. When we first start to leave the airport area, it had a lot of grass until we hit the city. It's too beautiful even to express. I sigh softly, bring my smile back and hold my chin up with my hand.

Not long after I feel the car stop and stop daydreaming.

"Here we miss." The driver says, We step out and grab our luggage.

"Have a good day" I was quickly cut off by the driver driving off. Before I can react I move my focus to the apartment complex in front of me. It is huge and Miss Marie starts to walk in without hesitation. I take a deep breath and walk in. Miss Marie was talking to someone in French and all I could translate was, 'pet', 'roommate', and guitar player'. I start to daydream before It's cut short by Miss Marie.

"Come on Let me show you to your room." She says walking in front of me. I follow along quietly. As we enter the room I could hear someone squeak.

"Who is it?" The voice says,

"Oliver, It's Miss Marie." Miss Marie says with a hint of laughter. Soon after she says that a boy with brown fluffy hair runs in. He hugs Miss Marie and starts talking to her in French.

"Miss Marie!!" He exclaims, I missed you where have you been?" He says in French. I smile a bit because of how wholesome this was. The brunette then looks over to me and smirks goofily.

"Miss Marie, Who is this lady?" He asks.

"I'm Aria," I put my hand out, "Nice to meet you!" I say happily. He quickly shakes my hand.

"I'm Oliver," He says and winks at me. I laugh at how corny that was and turn to Miss Marie.

"So is this where I am staying Miss Marie?" I ask. She turns to me and nods.

"I'll show you your room. " She says and starts walking. I immediately start following her.

It was a very nice room with lots of space. I can already imagine my drum set in here.

"I hope is it is to your liking Aria." Miss Marie says. I smile widely and hug her,

"It's perfect, Thank you" I say with gratitude. Miss Marie paused for a second then she hugs back.
"Okay so tomorrow the last group of contestants will be coming so the day after we are going to start filming." Miss Marie explains. Oliver nods and I made a salute towards her. Miss Marie looks at me with a confused smile and left. Oliver immediately turns towards me and smiles.

"wanna explore the city?" He asks with a smirk.

I smile back and nod "is that even a question?!" I say excitedly. Oliver's smirk turns into a wide grin. He walks over towards the door and opens it while bowing down.

"Ladies first" He says in deeper, fancier voice. I laugh and make a small curtsy.

"Why thank you kind sir," I say before walking out into the hallway. As we make it outside, Oliver immediately grabs my hand and we run out to explore.

Once we stop running, I smell something extremely sweet and then turn to Oliver to see if he smelt it. I see him already looking at me with a smile and I smile back.

"You smell that right?" I ask him His smirk comes back and one of his eyebrows went up.

"You mean that delicious bakery smell?" He asks. I nod and he points to the building a few streets down.

"Its coming from there," He says and grabs my hand again, "Lets go!!" He rushes me  and pulls me along.

We enter the bakery to see a short, Raven-haired woman with a tall swole brunette next to her. They see us and smile towards us. I immediately felt safe here with all the warmth and sweet smells. Oliver smiled widely and walked up to them, pulling me along. We chat with them for a while until we all flinch after hearing something thudding down the stairs. The raven haired woman, Who i now know as Sabine walks towards the stairs and sighs.

"Marinette, This is the third time today!" Sabine said in french shook her head with her hand on her chest.

"I know mom, I don't know why the stairs hate me!" A young voice says. Soon after the young girl with Black hair and blue eyes walks down the stairs. I look towards Oliver to see him lovestruck by her and I laugh a bit. Because of my laughter, The raven haired girl looks over to me and immediately goes red.

"Mom you didn't tell me there was costumers here!" The girl says in a high-pitched voice, Its obvious how embarrassed she is. To calm her down, I look over to her and smile gently.

"Don't worry, I was laughing at my friend over her" I say and point to Oliver. Who was obviously zoned out to notice. She laughs a bit and her face becomes less red.

"Im Aria, And this is Oliver" I say shoving my shoulder into Oliver which snaps him out of his trance. The girl laughs at Oliver and puts her hands out.

"Im Marinette!" She says with a smile. We both shake her hand. "So i'm guessing you guys are new here?", Marinette asks, "We know mostly everyone in paris and never seen you guys before!" She explains.

"Yea! I am from Chicago and Oliver is from..." I completely trail off. He never told me where he is from.

"Los Angeles ." Oliver says, Welp now i know. Marienette smiles and nods. After talking for while, Oliver and I decided to go back to the apartment.

"What an eventful night!" I exclaim with excitement. Oliver smiles and nod. I can tell Oliver is lovestruck by Mari.

"So i'm guessing baker girl is your new crush?" I ask teasing him. Oliver immediately shakes his head and denies while turning red.

Oh he's totally crushing.

Hey guys! Im so sorry for how late this chapter is! Its no excuse but school has been HORRIBLEEEE. Anyways expect new chapters weekly!

bye bye!

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