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classroom cracking his knuckles " Hey punk. Give me your lunch money or else.."

You quickly tried to ignore Matt and walk away before you felt the presence of someone behind you.

Matt had tackled you from behind he always did that once you were walking away from him while he was talking to you.

"So you think you're tough? Give me your goddamned lunch money and stop being such a pussy!" he said as you ran away as fast as possible.

He said "You're not getting away from THIS bully!" before he tackled you once again.

You always wondered what was going on in Matt's head, because ever since you rejected him he started to bully you.

And you still know that he likes you due to his immature way of dealing with it. "Let go of me or i'm going to scream and tell the teachers!"

"Hey! I was just joking. Don't be a narc!" he said as he looked at you with pleading eyes.

"Yeah then let go of me you freak!" your blood boiled after he still didn't let go of you.

"Nah! How am I gonna get the lunch money if I let go?" He looked at you with a wide grin on his face.

"I don't know? go ask someone else don't be targeting me" you said.

He glared at you as he said "Or... I could take by force!"

You rolled your eyes before saying "Whatever take it you goat and pig hybrid.

"Oh, now you're gonna be such a punk, huh?

He forced his hand into your pockets, took your money, and threw you down onto the ground.

now go cry to your mommy like the little baby you are!" he said as a devious look appeared on his face.

"Okay at least I don't need to look at that goofy face of yours" you said as you rolled your eyes before getting back on to your feet.

"Whatever, lame-o!" he said as he shrugged his shoulders. He spat aiming towards you but you dodged just in time.

"Don't spit at me" you said before pushing him away lightly. You accidentally pushed him harder than expected causing him to fall onto the floor.

He was still holding you arm which caused you to fall on top of him. You saw his eyes widening.

"Oh? So you're not such a little wimp after all.." he smirked with a intrigued look on his face.

You thought of a great idea that would soon change your perception of Matt..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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