Your not going to say it back?

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me and Boris decided to head 'home' by home I mean my house, me and Boris have gotten to the point where my home was his home, my family was his. The walk home was rather quick, we were basically laughing and talking all the way there. Boris is my best friend, we've been through a lot of shit together.

His dad beats the shit outve him as soon as he gets home, that's mainly why he's always at my house. I feel different around boris than with anyone else, maybe because he's my best friend. Or-..something else.

Me and boris Finally got home, my parents weren't home, as usual. Me and Boris sit in the living room and watch tv. Out of nowhere, Boris pulls out a full bottle of vodka out of his book bag. "You were carrying that around all day?"

I look up and down at Boris. "Ya! I snuck it on the way out of my dads house!" I shake my head and smile. We both run upstairs into my room and lay on my bed, Boris pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, then his lighter.

He hands the vodka to me, I pour some in a cup. I feel a light burning sensation. Boris lays his head on my shoulder. He takes a long drag of the cigarette, I feel my heart beating fast, I'm surprised he didn't feel it, or maybe he did, and he just didnt say anything.

I start to panic, I shouldn't be doing stuff like this, I'm a guy. So is he. I try to find an excuse to get up, "hey, uh-let me turn down the volume, it's kindve loud right?" Boris holds onto my arm and makes an expression I can't read. I sit back down on the bed, he rests his cigarette on the table.

he wraps his hands around my arm and lays his head on my shoulder. I could feel my heart in my ears. I could smell his hair, Boris smelled nice when he wanted to, he has a nice sent, cologne mixed with cigarettes, and something else. My breath starts getting shaky.

I feel like I'm about to throw up. "You okey?" Boris looks up at me, I nod "yeah, just uhm- dizzy that's all." He takes his hands off of my arm, I could feel the dissatisfaction with his hands off me flow through my whole body. He grabs his cigarette from the ash tray and lays his head back on my shoulder, I see smoke flow out of his mouth.

His lips are a soft cherry red, His lips look so soft. I want my lips on his, I want my lips all over his body. A grin that I try hard to hide forms on my face, i am happy that I am able to say that I have.

But it's only when we're extremely drunk or high, we never spoke of it after. Boris tried to bring it up, but as far as he knows I 'forgot' about it.

Me and Boris are intoxicated laying by the pool. Him more than me. But not completely, I know that's there's a bit of sobriety in him. "My dad is coming home." Boris looks up at the sky motionless. I look at him anxiously, "hey, you can always stay here, this is your home too." Boris turns to face me, he glances at my lips and then looks at me dead in the eyes. "I love you potter."

I love you? I think I finally found the word that describes how I feel. "Yeah, sure." I look away and stare up at the sky. "You will not say it back?" I can feel Boris's eyes burning through my face. "Your drunk Boris." I feel my heart beating fast. I can't say that to him, what if he remembers? I can't tell him that, I wish I could.

But I'm not brave or strong enough to say that. "Not really." Boris says while looking up at the sky. He gets up, "am going home." He scowled. Why was he mad? "What? Why?" I sit up and lock eyes with Boris. Boris starts walking away, "Boris wait! Didn't you say your dad's coming home?! Do you really wanna stay there?"

I follow behind Boris into the house "better than staying here with you." Boris runs out of the house. I scream out his name " BORIS, BORIS WAIT!" I tried to chase after him but it's useless.

I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

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