First attack 

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The war has started the republic first attacked the first capital of the confederacy of independent systems that is the name we found out though spy's it turns out to be led by former Jedi dooku. But the a new capital has been chosen

It turns out that they used a bounty hunter called jango Fett he is Mandalorian he is really good what he does he could go toe to toe with a Jedi master we cannot get a clear answer because he was killed during a battle that cloned him so they have slave soldiers they have increased growth rate when they went to war they were basically children

It's been a little over a 6 months when the war  has started they were war heroes now one of them is Anakin Skywalker he is called the fearless hero he was a former slave before a Jedi named Qui-gon jinn we respect him for doing what is the right thing

It's been a another month it seems that the CIS has a new ship it's about 5km long it has 2 ion weapons on the side of the ship it was destroyed by Anakin Skywalker and his friend her name is padme she is politician and former queen of Naboo and it looks like they really care for each other it's like a couple bond we know that a Jedi has rules against that we are surprised

(Sorry this one is pretty short to be honest I really don't know when these ships were made)

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