Chapter 4 - tragedy

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Drip God stood at the entrance of his castle, his staff in hand and his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming battle. He knew that facing Ivo, the Alien King, would be no easy feat, but he was determined to protect his kingdom and his people.

As he stepped out of his castle, he was greeted by a sea of zombies, all under the command of Ivo. Drip God summoned his magic, casting powerful spells that decimated the horde of undead. But Ivo was no ordinary opponent. He was stronger and more resilient than any enemy Drip God had ever faced before.

The two clashed in a fierce battle, their magic and weapons colliding with explosive force. Drip God's staff glowed with a bright light as he cast powerful spells, trying to gain the upper hand. Ivo, however, was quick and nimble, evading Drip God's attacks and retaliating with his own.

Despite his efforts, Drip God could feel his strength waning. He knew that he could not hold out much longer against Ivo's relentless assault. As he fought, he began to realize that this might be his last battle.

With a heavy heart, he cast a powerful spell, unleashing a wave of energy that knocked Ivo back. But it was not enough. Ivo regained his footing and continued his attack, and Drip God knew that he had no choice but to use his final spell.

He closed his eyes and whispered an incantation, feeling his magic surge through him. In a burst of light, he unleashed a spell that enveloped the entire battlefield. When the light faded, Drip God was nowhere to be seen.

Jek, who had been watching the battle from the safety of Drip God's castle, was suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of dread. He knew that something terrible had happened to his friend and mentor.

He rushed to the crystal ball, hoping to see what had happened. What he saw left him speechless. Drip God lay on the ground, his staff broken and his body battered. He was dying.

With tears in his eyes, Jek rushed to Drip God's side, calling out his name. Drip God looked up at him and smiled weakly, knowing that his time had come.

But before he took his last breath, he cast a final spell, a spell of healing that would restore Jek to full health. Jek felt his wounds close and his strength return, but he knew that it came at a terrible cost.

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