the ocean (if the waves were kinder)

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north shaw's perspective:

i can't hear a word he's saying - i'm too busy staring at the wet swimsuit sticking to his body like glue, too busy thinking of what it would feel like to run my hands along his chest and back, feel every one of his muscles jump and shift at my touch.

i'm drawn back to reality - the beach under my feet, the ocean waves crashing behind me. the sudden silence - he's stopped talking and i'm pulled by his stunning eyes and they catch everything - my staring, my dazed look, my lips slightly parted. he raises one strong eyebrow, and i see it too - the slight doubt, the unsteadiness in his gait, so unusual for liquido, the epitome of grace and beauty on the seas.

caught in his net, with nowhere to go, he sees who i am and what i feel. well, fuck it, i think - it's now or never. and i don't remember myself thinking of anything else before leaning in and capturing his lips in mine. and i feel his hands on my chest - i pull away because what the fuck was that? what was i thinking? i don't know what to say and what to do as i back up away from him, guilt and shame flooding me - what was i thinking? that he'd want me?

and all of a sudden someone has grabbed my shirt and dragged me into their chest, attacking my lips with their mouth and - he's kissing me back, ohmygodheiskissingmeback. he kisses like there's no tomorrow and today is flying away, he kisses like he's letting all the pent up emotions out of him, he kisses like he knows exactly what he's doing while having no fucking idea what he's doing. his strong hands glide down to the small of my back and stay there, i almost melt in his arms, not caring that the water from his swimsuit is bleeding onto my chest. the satisfaction of knowing i was right, the salt and mint piercing my mouth, make me smirk into the kiss and for a moment there is nothing but him.

at some point, we must have pulled our lips away because the moment hangs between us, like a drop of water too stubborn to drip, and all the noises flood back - the waves carelessly dribbling onto the sand, the shuffle of sand around us as the people move about, looking away from us.

later, after the sun has dipped under the sea and after the stars light up the sky, as i drag liquido back towards the shop, i wonder about what will be.


author's note:

okay, so this was pretty much an alternate scene from the previous story, if north and liquido had kissed. i don't know how clear i made it to the readers but afterwards both north and liquido sit on the beach together and talk, until night time. in the previous chapter north thinks about "what could have been and what is left", ie: the past and present; but in this chapter he thinks of "what will be" (the future).

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