Chapter 1

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"What do you think? Does it cater to your appetite?"

Jungwon lets his lips quirk to a small smile as his right hand and most trusted confidante settles beside him with only a gust of small wind to announce his presence.

Seoul is thriving. Only a half-century since Jungwon has stepped foot in his mother country and yet everything is different.

"Shouldn't we be adapting, Heeseung-hyung?" He inquires and turns ever-so-slightly to Heeseung's direction, showing a dimpled smile.

He feels rather than sees the rushing of blood to the other's face.

Ah. He has fed.

"I'm working on it... Jungwon-ah."

They've been in Europe for the most part, and English has been their primary language. They've picked up a few other languages here and there, but they've never used their mother tongue for... quite some time now. Since Sunoo.

"Sunoo-hyung must feel ecstatic," he muses, smirking to himself at using such honorific despite being centuries older. The other has, after all, whined for a decade about leaving Korea due to unfamiliarity in other languages outside of Hangugeo.

"Oh, he is. Except now he has to listen to Riki whine for leaving Japan," Heeseung snickers.

Jungwon grows rigid at the mention of their youngest, body going still he could pass for a statue.

Riki. Nishimura Riki. His latest conquest.

They have been living in Japan for the past nine years, having been taken with the then-eight years old Riki. There was no reason to stay in Japan, and what was supposed to be a quick stop turned into an almost decade stay due to the young one.

Riki was... enthusiastic. He followed them anywhere, and would get to all sorts of trouble to gain their attention. Jungwon has never planned on turning him, no. Far from it. He wanted to see the boy grow and reach for his dreams. He would've kill for it. Strike down anyone standing in the boy's path to ensure his success. And he knows the other four would've done the same.

Except Riki was bewitched. He was bewitched with the idea of eternity, of eternal beauty. Of them.

It wasn't exactly a surprise. It happened almost all of the time, wherever they stayed. But Jake was never supposed to reciprocate the longing. Jake was never supposed to yearn for the eight year old boy as much as the eight year old yearn for them. He should've learned his lesson with raising Jay after his transition, but no. He was so taken he took Riki straight out of his home and into theirs, announcing him his own son. And Riki wasn't even of their own ancestry.

Jungwon should've never let Jake get away with it. But it's not like he would punish him, either. It may be his blood that turned Jake but Jake was never his conquest.

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