Chapter 2

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The boy only had seconds to be surprised before Jungwon renders him unconscious with a hit to the back of his neck. The body slumps forward against him and he lets it crumple on his feet, stepping over the body to fetch himself a glass of champagne.

Here he is returning after two years only to find trouble in his doorsteps immediately.

After downing three glasses of champagne, Jungwon goes back to the body to investigate. He toes at the unconscious boy to turn him on his back and checks his face with the tip of his shoe.

... He looks vaguely familiar although Jungwon can't seem to recall where he has seen him before.

Crouching on his knees, he pats the boy down for any information he may acquire to reveal his identity as the boy did not carry anything with him. He discovers some crumpled cash and a wallet on one of his pockets, but he disregards both when he sees the third object peeking out.

A folded envelope with a broken seal of Jungwon's insignia.

Jungwon stills, feeling cold dread for the first time in years.

Where did he get that? Are they being threatened? Hunters? Other clans? Is his family safe? When was the last time he contacted them?

Riki and Sunoo was three months ago, Heeseung was a week ago. Did something happen? They didn't require constant communication as time passes them differently compared to humans, but Jungwon has took care to watching them from afar.

He constantly monitored their area for any threats or rumors that may come up but there's been nothing. Nothing for over a decade now. There were other clans in Seoul but they have all signed a peace treaty and they know not to cross the Prince.

But he's been residing in Italy this whole time. Even as he watched and monitored the best he could, something could've slipped him.

He casts a dark glare to the unconscious figure, his eyes gleaming red in anger. His gaze draws towards the pale throat and he imagines himself tearing it open until he's bathed in cold, dead blood and the boy is nothing but a mangled corpse.

His upper lip curls over his incisors in a quiet snarl and he snatches the envelope with one hand, his other hand fisting his phone to dial Jay as he stands.

["You're calling,"] Jay sounds surprised over the phone.

"I am. Where are the others?" Jungwon asks, taking out the letter inside and letting the envelope float down towards the floor.

He frowns upon immediately recognizing the handwriting.

["Uh, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this but—"]

"Spill," he orders as he skims the letter, his frown getting deeper the more he reads.

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