I'm Back!

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So yeah, I exist again. Yay! I'm super tired and school starts TOMORROW.

I'm going to die-

*hysterical laughing*

I have to go shopping tonight for scouts because I'm Quartermaster (aka the person who is in charge of supplies and shit) and that is my life. I like shopping, but I also have to finish my reading project and get ready for tomorrow...

*Dying noises*

Anyway, you guys want to hear a story, right?


Cool. Ima tell one anyway.

So I was on the bus, and we were playing Super Smash Bros. (Shhhh there were many jokes about that, trust me) I main Ganondorf, (MWAH HA HA HA HA) and we were playing normal 3 stock Smash mode. (😌) One round,




But, I didn't get mad because I had been absolutely beating them up all week. And then I gave a challenge to the remaining players:

"Whoever gets to 69% first I will give a dollar tomorrow."

One of them was confused about my choice of number, (The child is innocent lmao, and we're going to call him lion for story purposes) But the other knew EXACTLY what I was talking about. (Lets call him earthworm) They both excepted my challenge, but none of them got to 69% that day. Now I brought a dollar with me the next day just to see if they would remember my challenge. Earthworm gets to 69%, pauses the game, and goes "Pay up". Lion is just confused, as he forgot about the bet. I explain to lion, pay up, and then earthworm unpauses and we continue playing.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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