Chapter Three

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The map at the top is how I picture Valdara and the villages! :) 


"...happened before, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. You have to consider..."

I heard hushed voices around me, their words floating in and out of my ears. I didn't know who they were, but at that moment I didn't care. I had never felt so exhausted before, and all I wanted to do was curl up and go back to sleep. The bed I was lying on was soft and plush, while the blanket covering me was warm and cozy. All the things my bed at home never had to offer, which instantly set me on edge. I wasn't at home in bed, so where was I?

The memories of my journey outside the forest and into Valdara started to come back, and the more I remembered the more my heart rate picked up. I must be in the dragon village, which means the two men I could hear bickering were shifters.

Against my body's wishes, I forced my eyes open so I could take in my surroundings. I was lying on one of four beds in the square room, but all the others were empty. There were only two windows, both too high for me to see out of. On the opposite side of the room was a door leading to another room. It cracked open slightly,and I thought I saw a desk inside. It might be an office of some kind, but I couldn't see anything else. I could only hear the hushed voices of the men coming from inside.

"...leave until we figure this out." One of the men said, his voice vaguely familiar. I pulled the blanket off of my legs and sat up, keeping my movements as quiet as I could. I knew if they heard me they'd stop, and I wanted to know what they were talking about.

"What are you going to do, lock her up?" The other man asked with a small scoff. I flinched at the idea of being locked up in some cell or basement. I didn't know why these dragons insisted on me being here, but I wasn't about to lie down and let them lock me up.

There was a door opposite the office the men were in, and I was fairly certain it led outside. I placed my feet on the ground next to my bed, hoping I could make it outside without alerting them that I was awake. They continued arguing back and forth, but I tuned out their words and focussed on my movements. I had made it about halfway to the exit door when the office door flew open. I yelped as the door crashed into the wall, and spun on my bare feet to face them.

I recognized the first man instantly. He had changed clothes since I'd last seen him, but his blue eyes and ever present frown were unmistakable. Kalle, for whatever reason, did not seem pleased by my presence in his village. He looked between me and the front door, clearly noting my planned escape route, and looked back at me with narrowed eyes.

"You can't leave." He told me, offering no further explanation. I raised an eyebrow at him and opened my mouth to retort when the second man cut me off.

"Glad to see you're awake!" The older man, Jonas, rushed forward and placed his arms on my shoulders, a wide grin on his face as he fussed over feeling my head and checking over my limbs, "you were asleep for quite awhile, I was starting to worry."

"How long?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse. My throat was dry and scratchy, as if I hadn't had water in days.

"About thirty-six hours. You took quite a fall; your body needed the rest," Jonas told me with an understanding smile. Once he was satisfied none of my body parts were in pain, he clapped his hands together and looked between me and Kalle, "now, why don't I go fetch you something to eat, and Kalle here can keep you company."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he was gone before any words came out. The last thing I wanted was to be left alone with the intense, brooding dragon, but it didn't seem like I had a choice.

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