Unveiling the Enigma: Kang Haerin's Intriguing Debut

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She stood there, a singular figure in the vast expanse of the assembly hall, as Tuesday's soft morning light filtered through the high windows. Conversations hushed and eyes turned toward the stage, where everyone had gathered for their routine practice. A buzz of excitement and curiosity circulated like a tangible current among the students, their hungry gazes betraying their anticipation.

The professor of music, an imposing figure with an air of authority, entered the hall. A knowing smile played at the corners of his lips as he guided the girl forward. Whispers of speculation rustled through the crowd, a mix of excitement and wariness intertwining in the air. She carried a case on her back, a clear indicator that she was there to audition. It was a moment that held the promise of something new, something unpredictable.

"Good morning, students," the professor's voice carried to every corner of the room. "Today, we welcome a new musician into our ensemble." The girl, her presence as enigmatic as a wisp of smoke, stood quietly on the stage. Her gaze seemed to reach far beyond the boundaries of the room, lost in a distant contemplation. The professor moved closer, perhaps thinking her shyness needed a guiding hand.

Before he could finish his introduction, she spoke. Her voice cut through the air, a stark contrast to the hushed anticipation that had filled the hall moments before. "My name is Kang Haerin. I play the violin. I hope we can all get along." Her words hung in the air, the weight of their robotic cadence adding an unexpected layer to the moment.

I exchanged a puzzled glance with my friend, our shared confusion mirrored in our furrowed brows. It was as if her words had shattered the carefully constructed atmosphere, leaving a lingering unease in their wake. The professor offered an encouraging smile, trying to ease the tension that had settled among the students.

"Well, Haerin, you can find a seat," he said, gesturing to the rows of chairs that lay before her. The girl hesitated for a moment, her stillness almost eerie. Then, she stepped off the stage, her exit far from ordinary. She hopped down, bypassing the stairs completely. A subtle ripple of surprise passed through the students; it wasn't the expected norm to depart the stage in such a manner. And yet, perhaps it was a glimpse into the uniqueness that this newcomer embodied.

As Haerin made her way down the aisle, eyes followed her every move. There was an air of intrigue and bewilderment that hung around her like an invisible aura. Seats beckoned from both sides of the aisle, some more desirable than others, but she didn't choose the front rows that were usually left vacant. Instead, she ventured into the heart of the row, sitting in a spot that no one had expected. The murmurs of the students swirled around me, a collective unspoken question hanging in the air: Who was this girl?

With the first impression made, all I could think was, "What a weird girl." Little did I know, this was just the beginning of the enigma that Kang Haerin would weave within the tapestry of Melrose Manor Conservatoire.

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