4 + 1 // Chapter 1

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"Jake!" Hailey exclaimed, hearing her husbands footsteps down the hallway.

"Yes baby?" He yelled back, making his way towards the bathroom. He leaned on the doorframe, staring in at his lover.

"Zander just texted. He said plans for today are all set."

Jake nodded. "So, we're telling them?"

She hesitated for a moment. "Yes. I think I'm ready."

Jake hugged her from behind, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. "Whatever you say princess."

She got up close to the mirror, coating her eyelashes in mascara. She watched Jake through the reflection as he walked away.

She was extremely nervous to talk to her brothers, but she knew deep down that they would be excited for her.

They deserve to know.


Hailey took deep breaths in as she walked up the stairs to Zander and Lukes apartment. She was extremely anxious. She really wanted them to know, but she was afraid Zander would have a bad reaction.

finally, the newlyweds made it to the front door, hesitating to knock.

"Do you want me to knock, Hails?" Jake asked, taking his wife's hand into his own. She nodded slowly, watching as he carefully pounded his fist onto the door. They could just barely hear Zander and Luke on the other side of the door playfully bickering about who would get the door, Luke eventually agreeing to open it.

"Hi!" He beamed, smiling brightly as they made their way inside.

Zander was sitting crisscrossed on their couch reading a book.

"Hey Zander" Hailey said, her anxiety rising as he looked up at her with those cold violet eyes.

They made brief eye contact, making Hailey regret choosing today to tell him, until his stone face shifted into a gentle smile. He stood off the couch, approaching his sister with open arms, hugging her briefly, then moving on to hug Jake.

"How's married life been, Mrs. Sterling?" Luke asked, wrapping his arm around Zander's shoulder and pulling him closer.

"So-so." Hailey joked, nudging Jakes arm. "And when will you be making Zander Mr. Peterson?"

Luke hesitated. "Thats a loaded question"

Jake chuckled. "What. You scared?"

"Psh. No. I have infinite rizz"

Zander rolled his eyes. "If you keep saying you have rizz, I'll say no."

Luke playfully rolled his eyes, causing Hailey to chuckle.

They enjoyed catching up for a few hours. Hailey and Jake were putting it off. They were incredibly nervous. But eventually, the time came.

Hailey looked at Jake with a sincere look on her face, leaning up to whisper in his ear that she was ready. He nodded.

"So um, we kind of have something to tell you" Jake mumbled. Hailey and Jake were sitting across from the couple. Hailey took one of each of their hands into her own.

A worried look found Zander's face. "Uh... Okay?"

He and Luke glanced at each other, almost knowing what was about to be said.

Hailey hesitated, stumbling over her words. she was completely choked up. She took a few deep breaths, preparing herself for what was to come.

"Um, so, I'm..."

"You're what?" Luke said, ushing her to finish her sentence.

"I'm Pregnant."

Her heart was beating out of her chest. She couldn't believe she had actually told them. She scanned their shocked faces, looking for any signs of anger. Signs of anything aside from pure shock.

Suddenly, Zander took her into his arms, twirling her hair in between his middle and pointer finger. "Hailey! Thats so amazing"

she laughed into his shoulder, hugging him back tightly.

Luke and Jake shared a hug as well, theirs brief but loving.

Zander pulled away from Hailey and switched with Luke, now melting into Jakes arms.

"Congratulations guys!" Luke exclaimed; his voice filled with excitement for the two.

Hailey was relieved. not only that they weren't angry, but also because she didn't want to make Luke sad. He had always dreamed of being a father, but he couldn't be one. Well at least, not with Zander. They had talked about adopting, but it was a touchy subject between the boys.

They continued to discuss names and such for another two hours until it was pitch dark out.

Eventually, Jake and Hailey decided it was a good time to leave, sharing goodbyes and hugs, then leaving contently. She felt so much weight lift off her shoulders.

She couldn't wait to raise her baby with Jake, Luke, and Zander by her side.

Guys I think lander might be canon in s2 but idk 😍🤷‍♀️

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