Chapter 1: Life's Counterattack

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Life is unexpected. Sometimes we can experience happiness, sadness and even torturous fear. At times like these, We must always be prepared..

"Eli!! Wake up and let's eat!!"

"Yes.. mom.."

I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and comb my hair. Oh! by the way, My name is Elisce Reyes. I'm an average high school student who lives a simple and happy life with my mom here in the Philippines.

"Yahh Eli what are you doing there in the bathroom?" my mom said.

She's my mom but she's not my biological mother, My biological mother left me and my father. My father is busy with his work abroad and he didn't have much time to take care of me, mom really wanted to have a child and she decided to take care of me as her own child.

I wish she is my real mom. She's protective, brave and sweet. She really loves me and she treats me as her own child. I thank God because although my biological mother left me and my father is busy working abroad, He gave me a real mother who will protect me from harm, take care of me, and love me forever.

I went out. "Nothing mom. Let's eat!!" I said with a smile. I will always love my mom.

After eating breakfast, I helped mom in washing the dishes. After washing the dishes, mom took a bath, changed her clothes and went to work.

I sat in the sofa and watch Mnet. It's been a boring month after school ended. I had nothing to do but to sleep, eat, play video games, watch Korean dramas or TV everyday still I'm going to miss this everyday routine because school will start next next week and it's going to be my last year of high school. I've spent my high school days in studying, eating and reading books together with my best friend and I think this year will be the same too unless something unexpected will happen.

*Ring* * Ring*

After a few hours, I heard my phone ringing. Ohh?! Someone's calling. I looked at my phone and saw

Rina calling

I answered my phone call.

I put my phone in my left ear, then "ELISCEEEE!!!" Rina shouted.

"Eeeekk adcvhbjvinbdfvjk!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Gosh! That Rina -.-"

"HAHAHAHA!!" Rina laughed. Tsk. I'll get my revenge sometime :P

"Haha. Very funny Rina." I said. Rina is my best friend and maybe my only true friend in our school. Rina is a happy- go lucky person and she loves to troll people.


"Yeah right. Haha. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Hihi. How about you? Are you in your house"

"I'm okay too. Yes I'm here. Why?"

"Do you want to go out? I'm bored."

" of course!! Let's meet at the park. Byeee"

"Yas. See you there. Byeee"

~End Call~

I quickly took a bath then changed to my clothes, a simple white top, skinny jeans and nike shoes. I locked the doors and went to the and the e park.

I sat on the bench and waited for Rina. I could hear the cheerful screams of the children as they played, and the loud laughter of teens as they shared stories.

I saw Rina 5 meters away from me "Eli!" She shouted and waves her hand at me.

"Rinaaaa!!!!" I stand up and ran towards Rina and hugged her. I really missed my best friend.

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