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carbs made her way to sthe steak house and sat at the booth, ready to eat her yummy scrumptious delicious appealing tasteful delightful tastylightful mouth-watering flavorful delectable very enjoyable savory delish steak from queensland, she was so happy. that's when a new waiter named tony the tiger came up to her and the steak was from FUCKING VICTORIA. carbs was so sad and mad and angry and disgusted and distressed and seriously pissrf. so she killed tony the tiger. :(. anyway someone called the police and then carbs got arrested which made her veryu angry, so she screeched st thr yop og her lungs.

gagr heasrtd the song scream from 5894w7392489035453ryi34tui milrs away, sorry KILOMETERS (wtf is a kilometer) and so tehey came running to their love. 

"cxh20y, are you alright?" the nerd asked

"stay back shesd dangerous murderer of people and tigerds!!!" the police screamed. 

"but shes my fututre wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" gage complained

"shes getting the death sintens." the police replied

carbs cried and kissed gage one last time, ther nthey electrocuted her and she died. the end.

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