What the point

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I get to school knowing that I am the worst person in my own life. Why do you think that my family didn't want me around for years? Cause even to them I wasn't worth having around most of the time.

The first thing I see when I get to school is IIda. God I hated everyone in this school so much with their perfect lives yuck. 

"Oi nerd" I say calling out to Iida. 

"Stop calling me that" Iida saying sitting in his desk, "you are almost late again. Don't you ever care about your future". 

"And don't you care about shutting the fuck up" I reply before I get to my seat and sit down with my feet on the desk. Normally that pissed Iida off enough to come and tell me to have some manners, but today he was silent. 

"Good job" Bakugou said before we gave each other high fives. Bakugou understood me and how much I hated people thinking that they needed to be my parent or get into my life like that. Even if he didn't know anything about me. 

"Katrina, I need to have a conversation with you after class" Aizawa said as he got up to his desk. 

"Boo" I replied. 

"Then get out of class for today. I don't think you need to be here if you don't take me or this class seriously" Aizawa said before I walked up to his desk to get the last word in. 

"So you don't need to talk to me after class huh" I said before leaving. I could hear Aizawa say something, but I wasn't paying attention. 

Right when I got out of the classroom I bumped into Present Mic. Great, I thought, another person gonna tell me that I should behave more. 

"That wasn't cool little listener" Present Mic said, "you should treat people with more respect if you want that back". 

"Listen close Present Mic, I don't need old men like you telling me how I should and should not behave. So can you kindly fuck off" I replied. Normally that achieved what I wanted it to, but Present Mic was acting differently today. 

"Someone needs to teach you some manners young lady". 

"Who is gonna do that my parents? If you haven't checked yet I don't have any. So you are with some spankings. So scary" I say being sarcastic and regretting that I said that I didn't have parents. That was mostly due to the fact that no one here knew that. 

"If that would teach you some manners than yes I will" Present Mic said taking me to a classroom that was empty. Present Mic sat down and then put me on his lap and started spanking me. 

"Yes daddy" I whispered knowing that would probably stop it and it did for a while as Present Mic thought about what I had said. 

"You are into this" He asked looking uncomfortable. 

"No, but it made you stop" I said trying to get up, but seeing that Present Mic had his hand on my back. 

"Then you deserve more for that little act" Present Mic said giving me more spankings. By the time he was done I was pretty sure my butt was bright red. "Now maybe you will have some manners or this will happen again". 

"Yeah, whatever" I said then walking up to the roof of the school and using my powers to make a bottle that never empties. 

By the time lunch rolled around I heard someone walking up the stairs to the school roof. I turned around to see that it was Aizawa with anger plastered all over his face. His arms were crossed and I knew that this was the final straw for me. Thank god I thought then getting up and moving towards the edge of the school roof. 

Right before I was about to jump off I felt Aizawa grab my waist and pull me back. 

"Why would you do that" Aizawa say with pain in his voice. That was new for me. 

"Just let me go. I deserve to die. I don't deserve to live anymore" I said trying to get out of his grip. 

"Why? What have you done that is so bad that you deserve to die" Aizawa asked holding onto me tighter. 

"Being alive" I replied then going quiet and stopped fighting. I knew that later on I could come back up here and do my plan anyways. 

"What do you mean being alive" Aizawa asked turning me around to look me in the face. 

"I was a burden to my family" I screamed, "I was the reason my family isn't a family anymore and hasn't been for a while. So why don't you let me go and let me jump already". 

"Because I know that you are a good person if you ever wanted to be" Aizawa said. 

"No I am not" I said nearly in tears, "I am good for nothing else but destruction. I don't deserve to be alive". 

"You don't deserve to die. Please don't try anything. Is this why you smell like whiskey". 

"Yes. Why does it matter to you" I said as Aizawa laid my head on his chest. 

"You are gonna sleep this off in the nurses station and then we are gonna have a long chat" Aizawa said picking me up and carrying me to the nurses station. 

"Fine whatever" I said knowing that whatever he said wasn't gonna make a difference. 

-a couple of hours later-

I woke up in the nurses station slightly confused. Had I drank that much? God I am a wreck. Aizawa walked into the nurses station and looked at me with disappointment in his eyes. Ogd why did they think stuff like that was gonna make me want to be a better person? 

"How much did you drink up there? I know you are a fallen Angel, but I still want to know" Aizawa asked as he crossed his arms. 

"Five bottles is where I lost track" I replied getting up hoping that he would leave me alone. 

"Five bottles. Why". 

"Because it makes me feel better duh". 

"You shouldn't be drinking like that. Do you know that most of us here care about you". 

"Well that means I haven't done my plan good enough". 

"What do you mean by plan" Aizawa said looking at me like I was a poor stray dog. God I hated that look it always made me feel bad. Luckily no one knew that. 

"To get you all not to care about me so i can kill myself duh" I said feeling bad for saying that, "you know it makes it easier for everyone else if they feel like I deserved it". I started to look at the ground since I could no longer bare to his face and how sad he looked. It made me feel like I was ripping out his heart. 

"Are you serious? You think that would make it easier for anyone? You think it would make it better that instead of someone missing you instead they would feel regret because they thought maybe if they had tried saving you that you would still be here? I mean I know you are selfish, but that is a new low for even you" Aizawa said with the anger back in his voice. 

"What else am I supposed to do? Wait till some villain wants to kill me to make everyone not hurt about losing me, about my death" I screamed still not able to look him in the face. 

"You know what? I have wasted my time. If you still want to jump off the roof go ahead. I am not gonna stop you" Aizawa said then leaving the nurses station. 

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