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Before I left the nurse station Present Mic walked into the room. It was weird that I stood in there so long thinking about what Aizawa told me. Yet I still knew that I deserve death. 

"That was not nice what you said to Aizawa. Don't you know out of everyone here he cares about you the most" Present Mic asked. 

"No, but that doesn't matter" I said. 

"It should. You know if it wasn't for him fighting for you to stay here then you wouldn't be. That man has stuck his neck out for you so much and this is how you show how appreciative you are of that by just wanting to die" Present Mic asked. 

"I didn't know that. i just thought" I said letting my sentence trail off. 

"Yeah you thought because the school wasn't doing anything that meant no one cared what you did" Present Mic asked. I simply nodded my head. "Well unlike Aizawa I agree with you and think you don't deserve to live". 

"Thanks at least one person agrees with me" I whispered before I left the nurses station. I walked into Aizawa's classroom and saw that he was grading papers. "I am sorry about what I have done. Present Mic told me about what you have been doing for me and". Aizawa didn't respond. Some reason it hurt me that he wasn't replying, but I knew that I had pushed things too far. 

"I am giving you one more chance. Don't blow it" Aizawa said pissed off. 

"Ok" I said hoping for something else. I didn't want to leave knowing Aizawa was pissed off at me, but I knew there wasn't anyway to change that right now. 

"You are not leaving yet" Aizawa said sounding like he was trying to calm down, "I know that if you go home alone that you will try something. So you will wait till I am done with work and we will walk together. I am staying the night at your places since I know that you live alone". 

"How do you know that" I asked feeling weird. Aizawa finally turned around to look at me. 

"Because everytime I tell the class about parent student conference you always make an excuse on why they can't come and it is always some exaggerated lie".

"But it is true. My parents are always going on trips" I said knowing that it was useless, but still wanting to try. 

"Yeah uh Katrina I know who your parent was. I asked a friend to look you up in the foster care system and saw that they had a report on your mother's death. Your father died when you were two. I know you know this or else you wouldn't be trying to lie you way out" Aizawa said pointing at a chair that seemed as if he had set it out for me. 


"Why because someone finally called you out on your lies" Aizawa asked. 

"Maybe" I said ashamed of myself. 

"You know what I don't understand is why you don't live with any siblings, but I know that you won't tell me or you will try to tell me another lie" Aizawa said. 

"Can we just sit in silence" I said starting to cry again.

"Why are you crying" Aizawa asked even though i couldn't tell if he was mad or genuinely trying to understand. I flinched as he put his arm next to me. Aizawa saw that and moved his hand back. I felt a part of me want to hold his hand, but the rest was scared of getting close to anyone. Without thinking I grabbed Aizawa's hand and started to hold it. His hand felt so nice and gentle. In that moment I started to wish that I had started to be better sooner. 

"I am sorry. I just want to hold your hand. Is it ok" I asked nervous. 

"Can I ask why you want to hold my hand" Aizawa asked confused. 

"Because it feels nice holding it". 

"If it means that you will talk to me about your past then yes" Aizawa said sternly. 

"Fine. What do you want to know" I asked. 

"Why do you think that you ruined your family". 

"Because one of my brothers when I was younger went into my room and jumped on my bed and on top of me. I told him that I heard our mother coming down the hallway and he ran out of my room. Sometime later I ended up going to school counselor and told what happened. That turned into an investigation where two of my siblings lied about stuff that they said was happening and we all ended up being taken away" I said, "my mother got us back eventually, but because of all that I was blamed for the destruction of the family". 

"How old were you when that happened". 

"I was seven" I said hoping he wouldn't ask about anything more. 

"That is horrible" Aizawa said. I nodded my head as the tears started to stream down my face. Aizawa pulled me into a hug as he patted my back. "I am so sorry. Do you want to go home? I can always grade these later". I nodded my head before Aizawa let me go. I grabbed my stuff and waited for Aizawa at the door. 

For a while me and Aizawa walked to my house. I looked to see my sister at the corner of the street that I needed to go down and started to panic. 

"Can we actually go to your place" I asked in a whisper. 

"Why? We are almost at your house" Aizawa asked confused. 

"Please, I will explain later" I begged. 

"Fine. Don't try anything" Aizawa said then sighing. 

"I won't I promise" I said starting to shake as I thought my sister noticed me.

Before I knew it we were at Aizawa's place. Without thinking I ran to the bathroom and started to cry again. How many times have I cried today? I felt so pathetic. Why couldn't have I just walked home like Aizawa said. I know he didn't say it like that, but I felt that way. Why did just seeing my sister make me fall apart like this? 

"Katrina open the door. You better not being doing anything in there" Aizawa said knocking on the door. I wanted to stay in here alone, but a part of me wanted to let Aizawa in. In the end I opened up the door and let Aizawa in. Within seconds he was checking me over. Trying to make sure that I wasn't doing anything bad. "Show me your arms".


Are we gonna do this again where you tell me some lie about you never cutting yourself or just show me because I already know that you do that at times" Aizawa said sounding like he was tired of me already. 

"Fine" I said letting him gently grab my wrists. He pulled up my sleeves and saw that I hadn't done anything. 

"Then why did you run into here" Aizawa asked confused. 

"Can we not talk about it right now" I said leaning up against Aizawa. 

"Fine, but you are telling me later you know that right" Aizawa said before I nodded my head yes. 

After dinner was over I went and started to fall asleep on the couch as Aizawa fell asleep on his bed. Eventually I woke up and realized the couch felt too comfortable. So I got on the floor and started to fall back asleep. 

My dream started off with me being in a prison as a wrestling match between two prisoners went on. I got up and started to get off the blecher before my dream changed and I was in a farmhouse surrounded by people who looked hungry. I ran out and got into a truck before they caught up to me and caught me. Before I knew it I saw them eating me like I was a thanksgiving turkey. I screamed and was woken up by Aizawa right next to me. 

"Are you ok" Aizawa asked. I shook my head no. "Do you want to talk about it". I told him about my dream as he held me close to him. I started to feel something I hadn't in years, I felt safe. 

"Can I sleep next you" I asked knowing that he would probably say no, but I looked at his face I saw that he was hurting for me for some reason. Did he really care about me? 

"Yes" was all Aizawa said before he picked up and carried me to his bedroom. 

"You know I can walk" I said trying not to sound me. 

"I know, but you reminded me of a stray cat and I couldn't resist" Aizawa said chuckling. I wanted to be hurt by what he said, but instead I felt my face start to burn up. Oh god. Hopefully he can't see that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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