Bunny's Gone

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Summary: it is finally over

Pairings: Frank Adler X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, PIV sex, unprotected sex, somnophilia, dub con, creampie, slight breeding kink, attempted forced pregnancy, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.7K

"Clyde!" Your nearly full grown puppy comes running up the hill towards the house, his tail wagging and tongue hanging out as he slows to stop in front of you

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"Clyde!" Your nearly full grown puppy comes running up the hill towards the house, his tail wagging and tongue hanging out as he slows to stop in front of you. Lifting his paws up to your chest, and you give him his favorite ear tickles. "Where's daddy?"

Clyde let's out a long howl, turning back towards where he had come from. "Where's your daddy?" You see Frank's truck driving up the long driveway, head hanging out the window when he calls Clyde a traitor for leaving him. "You know I'm the favorite!"

Frank yanks his truck into park when he jumps out, stomping towards you, and Clyde gives him a playful growl. Standing in front of your body ready to pounce should Frank attack. "How was the farm?"

"Boring. It's not exciting at all. The same ole same ole," you could see the distance in his eyes every time he talked about the farm. You feel almost guilty for asking him to take some time off with the rodeo. He just put everything into the rodeo, and nothing into your life.

"So I was thinking about the upstairs to the house."

"Bunny, I just got off work. I really don't want to talk about the house," too much of the house was left unfinished. His mind was always elsewhere. You had told him it was a bad idea to move in before completing it. Now you were afraid it would never get finished.

"Okay, then can we decide on a trim? We still have no baseboards," Frank growls, walking up the porch steps, and into the house. Plopping down on the couch with his dirty clothes and boots still on. You would let this slide. This time.

"Frank, this is why I didn't want to move in."

"I'm tired, Bunny," he deadpans, positioning his hat over his eyes.

"So, I don't get tired working in a doctor's office? Doing all the work while the doctor gets the credit."

"At least you see new people. I see fucking cows and cow shit all fucking day long. I see my dad. I do the same damn thing all damn day long. I'm out in the sun. I'm out in the cold," you didn't want this fight again. You wanted to discuss the additional add ons to the house because you had someone coming in next week to actually do them.

"And you are walking away," Frank stands up, and you just know he's tracking dirt through the house. The floors you had mopped as soon as you came home now filthy from him. "Bunny, do you even hear what I have to say?"

"Yeah, and you sure do want to say them all the time. And can you please take off your boots and dirty clothes," standing at the door of the kitchen, Frank removes his boots. Slowly taking off every inch of clothing he has, even his underwear drift to the floor before he drops that old sweaty Boston Red Sox hat leaving him with hat hair, and nothing else.

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