Worth it?

120 7 0

"You're fired"

I'm sorry what- What the flying fuck?

The man in front of me was sitting behind his desk eyeing on some paper with far more concentration than the matter on hand which was me being fired. His reading glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his hazel eyes that peeked through the glass was vast of any emotion.

He just told me I'm fired. Couldn't he try to be sympathetic? At least pay some attention to me.

When I started to speak my voice was dripping annoyance but I kept it steady anyway. My features pulled up to a frown and I was trying a goddamn lot to keep my shit together.

"I'm utterly sorry, sir. There must have been a misunderstanding. If I did any mistake I'll surely rectify it soon as possib-"

"Could you turn back time and have not beat the fuck out of Stella?"

He interrupted.


I don't know any Stella. Why would I beat someone I don't know?

"Stella from the Advertising Department"

Mr.John, my editor in chief said.

OH. That bitch who tried to spread rumour about me fucking the CEO of Luca Corps. for salary raises? I didn't care to read the name tag before I beat the fuck out of that asshole of a woman. She deserved every punch. She barely made it out alive and I'm so damn sure she is hospitalized and some damn needy for a plastic surgery on her face. She'd look time times worse now than she looked, with all those bruises.

I couldn't lose my job for this bullshit. This job is my only lifeline. Only way to earn a dependable income to keep my life going. No way in hell I would give up on this shit because of a fucking SouthernElephantSealBlobfish of a woman.

"Sorry, Ms.D'mello. I can't hear any excuses on this matter. You're fired. No more questions"

He said sternly.

"But, si-"

He waved his hand in a motion for me to go out.
"You're dismissed, Camila. Take all your belongings and get out of this building by the end of noon or you'll bring unnecessary humiliation on yourself."

Is he threatening me?

Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are to ruin my reputation? I have a good one than your son who tried to abuse me to do a blow job for him in one of his private offices for a 'thrill'. I almost slapped him in the face but just because he was your son I politely declined but then he called me a fucking whore. And still I didn't do anything as he was your son.

I held back my tongue before snapping ruthless responses at him. He was older than me. In his 50s, with greying hair and wrinkled face. He was wearing a red designer suit. Fucking RED designer suit. Who would do that? I was disgusted by the old toad in front of me. Yeah, a toad 'cause he resembles one.

My brows furrowed and I didn't argue much before I stormed out. I wanted to throw the papers in my hand at the old toads face but I didn't want to be blacklisted and don't have any job.

Why can't I stay more than a year in any of the companies? For god's sake, I need some stable income.

Everyone turned to look at me as I walked towards my desk with a blank expression. They would find out I'm fired eventually but I don't want them to know before I go.

"What happened, Camila? Why are you leaving when it's just gonna be lunch hour?"

One of the co-worker asked. She was not really concerned even though she tried to act like she was. I mustered up the most genuine smile I could and said.

"I have a long vacation. Chief gave me a good long days of leave."

She sighed and shook her head.

"You get holidays when we are working here for extra shifts to finish up the work. Not fair"

She whined.

Little did she know the truth.

I pulled all my things from my desk including the small book I kept for writing when I stressed out about some shits. I'm gonna need the book. I'll have a lot right to write when I reach home. It's some kind of therapy they say. And may be the writing thing works a bit.

I slid it all into a small cover I kept in my bag for emergencies. I don't know which emergencies. But for emergencies. Yeah.

I was walking to my home. It took approximately thirty minutes from the office- well, former office to home and I had to pass through this alley which was so creepy and didn't even seem alright.

I had an informant here. Will, his name is Will or something. Nothing comes without money so yes I had to pay him and that usually cost me half of my salary. Even though it cost a lot, his news were never worthy of the amount. I disposed him then and there when he practically did me dirty twice.

Speak of the devil. Here he comes. I started jogging, or running, towards the direction of my home.

"Hey Camila!"

No, no, no. I'm not Camila.

He always tries to manipulate his own goddamn way. I came to a halt as I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Camila, i got some interesting new. I'm sure it's worthy as hell. Just give me a couple dollars"

I lost my fucking job. Why would I need the information? Betraying my own thoughts I asked.

"How much?"


I sighed and pulled out the amount he asked. I don't know why but I have stashed some money on to my purse, in case of emergencies.

"I heard that there is a slave trade going on about in San Francisco this week. I don't know who is shipping nor who is the buyer. The rumours were that the shipping was between the Italians and Russians. It's taking place in the old docks of San Francisco"

The mafias. I thought. So slave trade still exist. God knows. If this man was lying I would pull his tongue out so he would never speak again.

9 November 2022

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