Chapter one

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The pattering sound of the rain hitting the car window was loud enough to wake me up out of my nap

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The pattering sound of the rain hitting the car window was loud enough to wake me up out of my nap.

I let out a low yawn and tried to stretch my legs as far as the seat ahead of me would let me.

"are we there yet" the boy sitting ahead of me asked the shuttle driver.

"2 hours away" the tired pale man responded.

I let out a sigh and rested my head on the window. I wasn't really in a rush to get there but I definitely didn't want to sit in this van any longer, the strong smell of cottage cheese was giving me a small head ache.

We were heading to a trade school facility that's literally in the middle of nowhere. I'm coming here in hopes of gaining some experience and prepare myself for the real world.

Okay. I guess I'm also here because I had absolutely nowhere else to go when I decided to run away from home.

I know your probably wondering "what twenty year old runs away from home?"

This one does. When your abusive parents homeschooled you for your high school years and never thought to teach their adolescent daughter the common sense of the real world and refused to let you move out on your own because they rather u say home and cook and clean for them. You would run away too. Trust me.

"hey, wake her up" I heard someone say
"I'm up" I said quickly lifting my head up off the window getting a little dizzy from the fast motion. grab your things were heading inside" the driver of the shuttle said moving the seat up so I could get out.
I grabbed my bag 2 large duffle bags and hopped out of the van.
"oh my gosh" I said feeling so relieved that I could finally stretch my legs out.
The rain was now very light and the little droplets was quite refreshing.

The check in process lasted about 4 long excruciating hours.
They had to take our blood test, drug test and they had to search though our bags to make sure we didn't have any weapons or contraband.

This place looked way bigger than the pictures made it look. It was gated, so it felt really safe. And their were people everywhere. If I had to guess I would say there's two thousand students that attend this place.

"Making friends should be easy, all the students here are nice and welcoming" our tour guide said pointing to the groups of students.

"Theirs always events going on to make sure u guys have the most fun" she gave a big smile.
I was now in my room and the size was bigger than I thought. There was a small wall that u could see over that separated me and my roommate's side of the room but we had a shared bathroom which was also rather big. It was the middle of the day so I assumed that she would be somewhere on campus.

After I was done unpacking I found myself feeling somewhat puzzled. It felt a little weird that I didn't have a list of chores for me to do. I guess I'll have to get used to being on my own and doing what I want to do, and not what my parents want.

The door to my room opened, extracting me from my thoughts and In walked my roommate who looked excited to see me.
"oh my god, Hi beautiful" she walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug.
"H-Hi" I said awkwardly

Once we retracted our embrace she stepped back and rested her hands on her hips
"I've been here for six months and this is my first time having a roommate, so forgive me for being overly excited. Im Emily"
"Emory" I said back. Our names sounded so much alike.

She stood about 5'8 a little taller than me, she had long dark hair with blonde streaks and fair white skin.
She was definitely beautiful looked like she should be doing super modeling or something definitely not here with a dropout like me.

After we sat on her side of the room (which looked amazingly comfortable and filled with cute girly things) We actually clicked verry well.

She's so sweet but definitely not a push over. She explained to me that this place is not as picture perfect as it seems on the brochure. Which I didn't too much care about, I'm just here to get away from home. They could be feeding the students paper for lunch and I wouldn't go ANYWHERE.

"what's your schedule like" she asked flipping her hair to the side exposing a huge bruise on her shoulder.

I quickly listed off my schedule trying not to look at her bruise. Its rude to just flat out ask someone about their bruises. When my father would hit me and I would go out to the grocery store people would make it their business to ask me if i was okay. And it was honestly overwhelming. So I decided to not ask.

"oh girl, we have the same schedule" she said cheerfully. I handed her my paper schedule
"even the same teachers?" I asked she stared at the schedule for a bit.
"yep, everyone except Mr. Majors. I transferred out of his class. He's a DICK"
She said rolling her eyes I laughed. Hearing her cuss for the first time was so funny to me for some reason.

"good luck passing his class"
"is he that bad?" I questioned.
"oh. You'll see on Monday." she said getting up and shuffling through her clothes.

"you smoke?" she pulled out a long spliff.
"I never smoked before"
"wanna try it"
"sure" I said nervously

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