How to Treat Yeast infection - Symptoms, dos , don'ts and treatments.

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I faced the most horrible yeast infection of my life. Here I am going to share my own life's Yeast infection journey, symptoms, dos and don'ts, the best way to treat it at home, and also the medicine.



What is an STD?

STD stands for "Sexually Transmitted Disease." It refers to infections or diseases that are primarily spread through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

Most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or STIs have the same symptoms, like vaginal yeast infections. So please Be aware of it. Don't confuse both symptoms.

Trichomoniasis: Itching - Burning discomfort Frothy, yellow-green Vaginal Discharge - Strong Odour

Gonorrhoea: Itching - Burning During Urination - White, Yellow, or Green Discharge - Strong Odour

Chlamydia: Itching - Burning During Urination - White or Cloudy Discharge - Rare Odour

Mostly These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for a yeast infection. Most of

They are similar, but if you find colour discharge or discharge with an odour, You must consult your doctor immediately. If you take treatment from the beginning, it is curable, so don't be late or worry.


Yeast infection symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for an STI, but they are very common among people. 98% of women face yeast infections in today's world, and they are curable. It is not an STI.

UTI: frequent urination; pain or burning sensation during urination; cloudy or bloody urine; foul-smelling urine; pain or pressure in the lower abdomen or back

Yeast Infections: Itching, Burning, and White, Cottage Cheese-like Discharge (It is Curable and Has Easy Steps to Cure at Home)

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): Itching, Burning, Greyish-W]hite, Thin Discharge, Thin Odour

Here we are going to see about yeast infections (non-STD).

First, I want you to know what a yeast infection is?

A yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is a common fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast. Candida is a type of yeast that naturally exists in the body, particularly in areas like the mouth, private parts, and skin. Under certain conditions, Candida can multiply rapidly, leading to an infection.

There are two most common yeast infections:

vaginal yeast infection:

The yeast overgrowth that affects the vaginal part is called a vaginal yeast infection.

The most common symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are:




Cottage cheese-like white discharge in vaginal areas (mostly without the smell)

Oral Thrush:

Candida overgrowth in the mouth that affects the mouth is called oral thrush.

The most common symptoms of Oral Thrush are:


Dry Mouth

Loss of Taste

Unpleasant Breath

discomfort swallowing

Cracking at the Corners of the Mouth

white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, or throat

Do's :

Take proper medicine.

Maintain good hygiene.

Maintain a dry vaginal area.

Irritation should be avoided.

Control your blood sugar levels.

Use hygienic and loose clothing.

Don'ts :

Don't panic; it's common.

Don't wash frequently.

Don't Wear tight clothing.

Don't Use scented products.

Don't Scratch the affected area.

Don't take medicine on your own.

Don't rub harshly or with your nails.

Don't share your clothes with others.

Don't use any soap or chemicals to wash.

Don't Consume excessively sugary foods.

Don't use hot water to wash your private parts.

Don't try unnecessary home remedies; they will make things more complicated.

How I handle my yeast infection:

I had too much vaginal itching, burning, and unusual vaginal discharge. I am sensitive to consulting with others. I searched on Google, YouTube, and other social media platforms. My symptoms are mostly similar to those of STDs and STIs. I was mentally and emotionally broken down. I had too much itching, burning, and white cottage cheese discharge, and I was physically broken too. I was afraid and could not sleep at night. Due to over-itching, sometimes I thought about attempting suicide. I tried more home remedies for vaginal yeast infections by watching YouTube videos, but nothing worked for me. I used a new vaginal washer, but that made my mild yeast infection worse. I can't bear the itching, and at the same time, I'm too afraid to consult my doctor. I was severely affected for a month, and then I couldn't manage on my own. So first, I shared my symptoms with my friend, who was working in medicine. She thought I had a UTI (urinary tract infection), and she prescribed some medicine, which I took but found no use for. Then I consulted with a doctor. I was too scared to share my problem with a doctor. She asked whether I had an unusual discharge, but at that time I didn't have that much discharge, so I said no. She prescribed an albendazole tablet to cure intestinal worms. Again, that did not work for me, and it got worse. Finally, I consulted with my personal doctor, who examined me, shared everything, and confirmed it was a yeast vaginal infection. She prescribed a yeast infection cream called Clotrimazole and Itraforce/Itraconazole oral intake tablets. I properly followed that yeast infection medicine for 2 weeks, and then it completely cured me. Now I'm free from itching and burning. I faced more struggles during my yeast infection discharge time because I didn't have proper guidance. There are some yeast infection home remedies out there, but they are not effective in curing the infection but will help to settle the irritation or itching. I wish no one would face the hardest time like me, so I share my experience here. If you are facing the same struggle, don't worry; everything will be cured soon. It is common everywhere. Learn a good lesson from my mistake. Don't repeat the mistake that I have made. Consult your doctor and share your symptoms.


Wash your vagina, pat it wet, and apply Clotrimazole cream to your vaginal layer. Repeat this for both days and nights.

Intake of itraforce or itraconazole tablets orally after breakfast and dinner

Repeat this procedure for 2 weeks, and surely you will get a good result. Sometimes, I may vary depending on the severity.

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