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9 months later*

Janella pov

I was crying in joy cause finally Jane is awake now from coma I thought she will not gonna survive cause she almost gave up her life

"Doc how's jane?"I said to doctor

"We have a good and bad news maam"the doctor said

"What is the good news doc"

"The good news is she's okay now but the bad news is she also had a amnesia problem so pls as long as you can pls don't push her to get back her memories"the doctor said and bow then leave and I go inside her room I am currently stopping my tears to fall knowing that she has a amnesia

"Hi babe I'm happy that you're awake now"I said to Jane hoping that she remember me

"Thanks miss but do I know you?"jane said and my hope disappear when she say those words

"Uhm miss do you know where's my mom?"she said and she looked around her room to find tita

"Tita is busy on your company"I said and walked towards her

"Oh okay can you call her for me miss"she said and I get my phone to call tita again cause i call tita before I talk to Jane's doctor

"Here jane"I said and give her my phone,she was talking to tita when I decided to go to canteen to buy us food

"Uhm sorry for interrupting you but what do you want to eat"I ask Jane

"Don't worry mom buys food for us na,right mom"she said and she signaled me to sit

"Okay mom bye get me a fruits too,bye I love you"she said and ended the call and gave me back my phone

"What's your name btw?"

"My name is Janella Salvador I'm your secretary and your fiancé"I said but almost whispered the (fiancé) word

"Uh so you're my secretary,where is charli?"she said

"Charli is on the US now"

"You're strange"


"You don't call me ma'am or boss you just call me by my name and you call me babe too then you just call my babu by her name too"she said and i was out of words na and thanks to tita because she arrived na

"Iha I'm here,oh eat this"tita gave Jane a food

"Iha you eat too"tita said and gave me a food too

"Thanks for this tita"I said and eat the food

"Tita?"jane ask

"Yes tita cause she's your fiancé she can call me tita or should I say mom too"tita said and my cheeks turn red cause what tita said

"Huh I thought she's my secretary?"jane said and tita gave me quick eye contact

"Yes she is but she is your fiancé too"tita said and Jane face look confused to what's going on

"Uh tita Jane has a amnesia"I whispered to tita

"Oh sorry you had an amnesia pala Iha"tita said

"Mom where's my phone I want to call babu"she said and tita gave her phone

"Babu you are in the US daw?"she said and I excuse my self

(Third person pov)

Jane ask charli to come back in the Philippines and charli said to Jane she can't but Jane beg charli

Jane:pls babu come back here I need you

Charli:I can't Jane i have so many things to do and go ask your fiancé janella to give you what you want to

Jane:really you too?mom said my secretary is my fiancé,charli I don't have a fiancé and you promised me you gave me what I want so now I need you to come back here and if you don't I'll come there even if you want or not

Charli:okay fine but only 1 week cause I have so many things to do here

Jane:okay bye babu I love you

Jane's mom:Jane why don't you invite charli to your wedding

Jane:what wedding?

Jane's mom: you and Janella's wedding

Jane:mom she's not even my fiancé,I don't want to marry her and mom I would like to marry charli than marry her

Jane's mom:Jane you choose jea to marry im not the one who choose her

Jane:mom I change my mind if I choose her to marry I want to marry charli instead

Jane's mom:no you choose jea and that's final and beside I like jea more than charli and it's awkward if you marry your friend that you treat like a sister

Jane:but mom

Jane's mom:no but and next month you two will marry each other

Jane:Ughhh why are you doing this to me mom!

Jane's mom:Jane you choose her I give you an option you'll find someone to marry you or you will marry my amiga's son then you said that you find jea and you said too that when she come back here you two will marry each other the next day,she supposed to be in her Lola's place the day you got accident but she chose to stay here beside you she almost killed her self when you are about to gave in but thanks to me I got there in time to stop her,Jane jea loves you so much she's willing to do everything just to be with you and that charli she ruined your life before she made you and jea break up when you and jea is in a relationship that day Julia said that to me and I was mad to charli but I forgave her already cause she's the one too that make you and jea close to each other again,i like jea for the first time I saw her and charli I just like her cause she's your childhood friend and my plastic friend daughter.

Jane:mom can you pls stop my head hurts now thinking about what you said to me right now

Jane's mom:Sorry Iha you should rest now I call your fiancé to help you

(Janella pov)
Tita called me and said that she needs me inside so I go back inside

"Iha I'll go now take care of your fiancé I'll visit you again tomorrow jane"tita said and kiss me on the cheeks then leave

"Hey Janella can you gave a water"jane said and I gave her a water

"Gutom kana ba ano oras na oh Ginabi na kayo ni tita sa paguusap"I said and was going to take my bag to get my wallet and car keys

"No I'm not and I need to take a rest so can you pls shut your mouth you're so noisy and janella do me
favor if charli come here wake me up and you can go to your house if charli come"she said and after that she sleep

Hystt I hope your memory go back I love you babe

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