The Story of Felicity and Jared

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This is the story of Jared and Felicity.

No matter what the ending is, there was true love.

"She's an introvert. She doesn't talk," everyone said. He stood in the corner of the room quietly and hid a smile. Only he knew she didn't shut up. They also said he had a temper that was as hot as boiling water. Nobody knew he could melt like ice when he was with her.

Two broken people trying to heal each other is love. Two people trying to heal each other's love is what some people call a disaster, others find it beautiful. Sometimes it's a nightmare, fighting for what you believe is right. Sometimes it hurts believing in what is right. But sometimes it's worth the pain.


I want to dedicate this book to anyone who tried to hurt me, anyone who didn't believe in me, and anyone who left and forgot about me. Sometimes I feel like I don't have enough middle fingers for you. I will make this book one of my biggest achievements, just watch.

I want to dedicate it to the people I miss the most. I hope you remember I love you to absolute pieces.

I want to dedicate this book to my family and friends. Some of you are my biggest inspirations and your support for my writing has been amazing. I'm forever grateful for you, my people.

To all my Wattpad friends - you are some of the craziest but most beautiful bunch of people I've ever met. I'm so thankful for the mini family we've made here. Here's to many more years of writing with you!

I also want to dedicate this book to me. Felicity, as a character, was inspired by myself. So many aspects of my life were put into this book because I want to make it my own. I'm an introvert, exactly as Felicity is portrayed. I would love to spend every hour of my day with a book and a cup of tea, with my favourite songs playing softly in the background, well away from all the people and chaos. And Jared, I really want to meet my Jared.

And lastly, I dedicate this book to all the people who are just like me. I hope you find your own Jared and Felicity.

- Em xx

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