Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

It had taken a great deal of persuasion to return Draco to Hogwarts.

Lucius Malfoy no longer had the power he possessed once before. No more special treatment for the Malfoy family, who were now branded as Death Eaters and traitors.

Of course, Draco had written to Headmistress Minerva McGonagall himself, requesting that he returned to Hogwarts for a proper seventh year education. He had not gotten a reply.

So he wrote again, this time with a little more urgency. He pleaded for a place in the school once more, to pursue his ambition as a Healer. McGonagall had written back this time.

As much as I admire your passion for education, I am afraid that some students may find your presence unnerving, it had read. I wish I could help you, but I do fear for the students' mental stability.

Draco had nearly screamed when he finished reading the letter. He wouldn't give up so easily, though.

He wrote to Harry Potter.

Yes, the Harry Potter. The boy who lived. The chosen one. The one who made the Dark Lord vanish completely, rendering the wizarding world a safe and happy place.

I request your aid, in deepest regards of my past and wishes for a better future, was the way he worded it - carefully and well thought of. You are a great man that I had never had the fortune of befriending, but I have come to call a favour.

The single letter had taken nearly a month to write. His quill sat beside the parchment on his desk for a week before he had even plucked up the courage to write the first word.

Harry had wrote back much quicker than Draco expected, if at all.

Harry's sloppy handwriting said, Draco, I do owe you a debt - I have not forgotten. I may not be alive if it wasn't for you, and I would be delighted to help you reconstruct your life. McGonagall may decline to you, but I'm quite confident that she would oblige if I put in a good word.
Best wishes, Harry.

Draco couldn't believe his eyes, he nearly cried with happiness. He wrote back a note with many thanks, saying that he would never bother him again. Harry told him that would not be necessary.

Headmistress McGonagall had written him a few days later. She requested that he take Head Boy position and the dormitory that come with it, mostly to avoid younger, frightened students. And in small writing, she had added that he was one of the best students in his younger years, and she hoped to see him continue that behaviour.

Draco immediately replied, confirming that he would take the position as long as he could pursue his seventh year.

A parcel was sent to him a day later with the Head Boy badge inside.


October 4th, day four of the Dare Challenge

Draco woke up to the feeling of absence - Luna wasn't in his arms as she should be. A groan escaped his lips as he patted around for the small girl, finding no trace of her; Draco cracked opened his eyes.

The fair blue light of dawn was peeking through the Slytherin green curtains. Particles of dust danced in the beam, letting off tiny gleams. All is calm. All is wrong.

He sat up suddenly and looked around, Luna nowhere to be seen. His bathroom door was ajar with no sign of usage, so she wasn't in there.

Draco grabbed his wand and ventured into the common room, a pinching feeling in his gut.

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