Chapter 6: I Participate in a Food Fight

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"Dare," Reyna said. "A true praetor never backs down from a challenge. "

"I dare you to... Start a food fight at dinner!" Hazel grinned.

We waited as the sun slowly set over the horizon of the lake. As the last few rays of orange faded over in the distance, the sound of the horn being blown to signal dinner rang out through the valley of Half-Blood Hill.

We quickly made their way to the dining pavilion, sitting down at their respective tables. Now the Romans had their own section too, and the Romans went over there while the Greeks, me and the rest, sat according to their cabins. As Chiron made his nightly announcements, I saw Reyna grab a piece of her fish, pulling her arm back and getting in a stance to throw it. Does she really need to dk it so properly?! Just throw it!

The piece of fish flew through the air and landed straight in Chiron's face with a whumph. Laughter erupted as someone picked up a drink and sloshed it into another camper's shirt. Soon enough, a crazy food fight broke out in the dining pavilion and campers were dripping from head to toe in multi-coloured fruit punch, tomato sauce and other stuff I can't even identify. The floor of the pavilion, I was half-glad to see: Fish and chips (at least fragments of it) littered all over, soaked in the spilled fruit punch and sauces.

As a punishment, Chiron ordered everyone to take a quick shower and get to bed right after campfire, skipping our extra half hour recreation time. Heading back to our cabins from the night, I thought of what truth or dares I should do the next round...


Truth or Dare, Percy Jackson?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt