On Physics and Testings

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The exam lasted three whole hours. That makes three hours of sitting on a shitty wooden chair at a shitty wooden desk amongst shitty wooden people in the most uncomfortable stockings I've ever had the misfortune of owning. I don't think I paid much attention to the blank, folio paper before me. I was too busy gazing at the squabble of silent, scrawling students all clutching at scientific calculators and swearing in sighs every time they missed a number.

Each flustered, frustrated sound began to grate on my nerves as the questions "what for" and "Why" spread through my brain, dispersing through my limbs to make my arms as heavy as lead against the desk before me.
Why am I doing this?
By answering these questions I subject myself to the conditioning provided by a patriarchal society. I allow myself to learn the knowledge that they wish for me and all my fellow peers to have for the purpose of placing small propagandic inserts in order to sway our opinions.

Yet when we differ from the opinion set before us, it's wrong. World War one was catalysed by a fuck up. Without it, we wouldn't have half the advancements we do today. The advancements we have today are destroying the eco system. Our population is flourishing due to advanced medical practices and machinery. The world is over populated.

We bombard ourselves with all these small contradictions and only realise how little we know when we find we cannot substantiate our arguments.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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