Call Me Carmen

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"Goddamn, it's fucking cold tonight," Carmen exclaimed, his breath forming frosty clouds in the chilly air. The biting cold of February seemed to pierce through your skin, making you shiver as you stepped outside. "Thanks," you mumbled quietly as he held the door open, and you hurried past him to shield yourself from the freezing gust.

A sudden sound escaped your lips as the icy air hit your cheeks, catching Carmen's attention. "What the fuck was that?" he questioned, amusement lacing his words.

"I was startled," you replied, your voice slightly shaky from the cold.

He chuckled and pulled out a cigarette, searching for his lighter. "Fuck, I swear I need to buy these things in bulk," he muttered in frustration.

You noticed the halt in his footsteps and turned around to find him searching intently. Sensing his need, you reached into your jacket and pulled out a lighter. "Looking for one of these?" you said, holding the lighter up for him.

He looked up at you, and you felt a chill down your spine. Even in this frozen night, his gaze was mesmerizing. He smiled and walked toward you, reaching for the lighter in your hand.

"You're full of surprises, Y/N. Thank you," he said, taking the lighter and finally lighting his cigarette. The amber glow of the flame cast intriguing shadows on his face, a single strand of hair leaving its hiding place once more.

Instinctively, you reached out to gently move the strand away from the flame, ensuring it didn't catch fire. Your eyes widened realizing what you've done, Carmen took a drag from his cigarette, his gaze locked onto yours with a hint of a sinister smirk.

"Thanks for trying to save my hair," he chuckled, smoke escaping his mouth with every word.

Embarrassment washed over you as you quickly turned on your heels, hoping you were headed in the right direction to his car, desperate not to further embarrass yourself.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," you muttered to yourself, your eyes fixed on the ground.


You stopped in your tracks once again, looking back at him.

"Yes?" you replied, a bit hesitant.

"I'm parked by the trash," he said, motioning for you to follow him behind The Beef. The cold night seemed to fade into the background as you walked together, the faint scent of his cigarette smoke mingling with the freezing air. The sound of your footsteps echoed through the vacant area, and you couldn't help but wonder what other surprises this night might hold.


God he wasn't kidding about the radio...

As you sat in Carmen's minivan, a chill still lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the cold night. The two of you remained silent ever since that exchange in front of the restaurant. The car seemed to exude a sense of solitude, but you knew better than to judge Carmen by appearances alone.

You glanced down at your wounded hand, grateful for the clean cloth you applied before leaving. The cool water he suggested had helped prevent the blood from sticking to the surrounding flesh. With a sense of relief, you focused your attention back on Carmen, stealing glances at him through your eyelashes, hoping he didn't catch you staring.

His gaze seemed distant, lost in thought. Perhaps the day had been a blur for him too, or maybe he was simply lost in his own contemplations. Whatever it was, you couldn't shake the feeling that this night held more surprises.

"Y/N," Carmen said, breaking the silence, his eyes still fixed on the road ahead as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"Yes?" You turned to face him, giving him your full attention, tucking an unruly hair behind your ear.

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