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"The second game will be...drumroll please" Dean waited expectantly.

Everyone gave him a blank stare. We were still suffering under the California heat. Beads of sweat collected on everyone's foreheads.

"Ok then. The second game will be a scavenger hunt! I'm going to divide you into teams of two, so that will be five teams in all. You have to hold the item in your hand and take a selfie. The first team to get all 15 items hidden around this park will win a prize."

I was kind of excited for this one. Even though I was sweating extreme amounts I could tell this would be fun game. I had made sure to put on sunscreen so I wouldn't get burnt.

"Psst. Walker. Did you put on sunscreen?" I ask, nudging his side.

"No, I need a little sun after winter" he replies in a hushed tone. Suddenly a look of horror enters his features as he looks at me.
"Are you one of those sunscreen addicts?" He questions like it's a bad thing.

Our conversation was cut short as Dean assigned teams.
"Walker with Luis. Inez with Javon. Taylor with John. Timmy with Lucy. Last of all, Elliot and Clara." He listed off. He handed each team a packet with the list of fifteen things. He made sure we knew we could not separate from our other team member.

Javon and I, both being quite competitive immediately took off as soon as Dean said go.

I held the paper in my hands as I read off the object we were supposed to find. We ended up running around for five more minutes before we found out first object. It wasn't long before we found thirteen more.

"C'mon... one...last one" Javon pants out. Never in my life have I hated the sun more.

"What's the final object" I wheeze, breathing heavily with my hands on my knees. The tree next to me provided nice shade but what I really needed right now is and ice bath.

"Ok we need to find a red scarf" Javon says while crumpling the list.

"How about down there" I point. That was the only path we hadn't gone down yet.

"Let's go" Javon says, jogging down the dirt path. We finally reach a tree with a red scarf peaking out behind the leaves. The only problem is that the scarf was far too high for someone too just reach out and take it.

"Shit I think we have to climb the tree" I mutter. Out of nowhere I see Walker sprinting toward us with Luis not far behind him.

Javon takes this as signal to start climbing the tree. Luis jumps up and joins Javon, struggling to get up. Walker and I make eye contact as we watch our partners climb the tree.

"We should take a photo" he whispered, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. He then proceeds to get all angles and even .5's of the two boys. After the photo shoot he joins me back at the bottom of the tree.

"Your gonna get really burnt" I say pulling out my sunscreen I take with me everywhere.

"No way you are one of those sunscreen addicts!" He laughs, like everything I'm saying is a joke.

"Look when I'm at those school reunions and I look ten years younger than all those other bitches who made fun of me for wearing sunscreen every day, I'm gonna thank my younger self." I say matter of fact before squeezing the travel sized bottle onto my hand and spreading the substance on his face.

"Omg get it off!" He yells frantically, trying to wipe all of it off.

I ignore him and keep rubbing it on his skin. After a while he gives up and lets me spread the sunscreen on his arms and neck. I take the access sunscreen and put it on my shoulders.

"Your crazy" he mutters under his breath. I was about to reply when a thud followed by another thus startled me.

Luis and Javon are sprawled out next to Walker and me. In Luis's hand is the red scarf. I jump towards Luis and grab the scarf out of his hands. Unfortunately Walker also had the same idea.

We both grab onto the scarf and start playing tug of war with it. I finally rip the red scarf out of his hands and pose for the photo smiling like I did not just spend the last three minutes beating someone up for it.

"Ok sunscreen was in my eye it was sabotage" Walker complained.

I threw the scarf back in the tree and me and Javon race back to Dean.

By the time Walker and Luis got back Javon and I had already submitted all of our photos and as our "prize" we got waters.

Now any other day I would have called water a stupid prize but I was hot and sweaty so water truly was what I wanted most.

Walkers cheeks were flushed red and he stood under the shade of a tree, trying to cool down. I offered him the last few sips of my water and he accepted it gratefully.

Mid gulp Walker thanked me. "No problem" I say, fanning myself.

Dean stepped forward in the circle of people. "We have one last game!" He expressed joyfully.

Groans were scattered around but that just made Deans grin spread wider.

"Let me explain the rules!"

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt