Follow The Leader.

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TW: Vomit

Namjoon opened his eyes and was met with a severe pounding in the back of his skull. Ugh. He instantly closed his eyes again. The sunlight coming in through the window only made his head hurt even more. When someone's fist started banging against his door he took his pillow and buried his face in it. He felt like shit.

"Namjoonie-ah! Let's go! We're going to be late! You've slept in long enough!" Jimin screamed from outside the door. Namjoon ignored him as he groaned into his pillow.

"Namjoonie-ah!!!" Jimin screamed again.

The rapper shot up in his bed, annoyed. "Alright! I'm coming! Just give me a minute!" he screamed. After speaking he realized not only was his head pounding but his throat ached. He tried to swallow and it felt like a clump of sharp knives formed a giant lump in his throat.

"Taehyungie and Hobi hyung made breakfast! Grab some on the way out!" Jimin informed before finally departing from the door.

Namjoon forced himself to get out of bed and when he got to his feet he felt a bit dizzy, wobbling and having to catch himself on his bed post before falling over. No. This can't be happening to me right now. We have so many schedules coming up.

More loud knocking. "Hyungie! We have to go!" Jungkook screamed. The leader didn't understand why everyone seemed to be so much louder than they usually were. It was like every knock and voice had been amplified by a trillion and one. He rushed to get dressed and met the others at the front door.

"About damn time man," Yoongi looked at his watch, "We're going to be late!"

"Sorry," Namjoon replied. That was all he could say at this point. Hobi ran over and shoved some of the breakfast he helped cook in his leaders face. "Here you go Joonie!"

"No thank you, I'm not hungry," Namjoon replied. He started clearing his throat, trying to get the feeling of that razor sharp lump out.

"Not hungry?" Taehyung frowned, "Or do you just not like our cooking?"

"Taehyung.." Namjoon sighed. He was in no mood for anyone's nonsense at the moment. His head and throat hurt too much and that was his main concern at the moment.

Jin took the food out of Taehyung's hand and placed it back on the counter. "We have no time for bickering. Get in the car," he commanded. Everyone followed Jin to the car and Namjoon thought his head was actually going to explode during the car ride. With Jungkook's karaoke and Jin continuously trying to crack bad dad jokes to Yoongi, the leader was quite literally losing his mind. Yet he didn't want to mention it to anyone. They had a lot of work coming up and he knew if he said he wasn't feeling well nobody would be able to focus on practicing because they'd be all concerned about him. He didn't want anyone to be concerned but to simply carry on with everything that needed to be done. As the leader he felt it was his responsibility to make sure everyone did what they needed to do.

Dance practice was torture for Namjoon. Hobi had the music way too loud. Every dance step sent pain shooting through the back of his head. In the middle of practice he began to get nauseous. During a water break he couldn't even continue sipping his because it was hurting his throat and stomach too much. He took a seat and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes in a desperate attempt at the smallest amount of rest.

Unfortunately his members were chaotic and unruly during dance practice and kept running over to talk to or bother him. Any other given day he would have loved the attention and loved to have fun and be chaotic with everyone else, but not today. Jin noticed Namjoon seemed a bit more mellow than usual so he went over and asked if he was feeling okay.

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