Chapter 15: Denmark

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Tired, I get out of the car and am amazed when I see Denmark in all its glory for the first time. Wow. But even though it is so beautiful, it is freaking cold. Well but what did I expect at the end of December. Vic takes my hand and pulls me behind.
"Hey slow down, it looks so nice here!" "Yeah yeah I know you're getting a tour of the city too, but for now I want to introduce you to the others." She grins broadly from ear to ear and I follow her. She rings the doorbell of the beautiful little house and Nica opens the door for us.

"Ciao you two!" she greets us and takes us in her arms one after the other. "Come on let's close the door quickly before all the cold comes inside the house." We nod in agreement and I close the door. Putting my shoes and jacket in the hallway, I follow the two De Angelis sisters into the living room. There sits a large group of people.
Like a little kid, I stop behind Vic as she is getting hugged by everyone. When Vic finishes greeting an old lady, she comes back to me. "Family, this is Sarah, my girlfriend." "Hi!" I add with a friendly tone before also being hugged by everyone. The first to come is a man. "Hey, I'm Alessandro, the father of this little whirlwind here." He puts his hand on Vic's shoulder and smiles serenely. "Sarah, it's nice to finally meet you properly." "Nice to meet you too!" Satisfied, he moves to the side as more arrive.
So I get to meet Vic's aunt, uncle as well as cousin. "Did you know cousin Vic is a real rock star?!" the little girl asks enthusiastically, to which I nod. She waves a finger down at me so she can whisper something in my ear. "But did you know that there is a video where she kisses her friends and not you? That video is totally disgusting!" She contorts her face, whereupon I just grin.

After exchanging a word or two with them, we go to the old woman. "This is my Nanna." Vic introduces me to her grandma. I shake her hand in a friendly way. "So you're by my little girl's side now." I nod with a smile on my lips. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you!" shocked, I look to the lady. "Sorry, the De Angelis women are all always a bit temperamental." explains Vic, to which I just react calmly. "I would never do that though, I love her too much for that!" The woman grins slightly and then nods. "Well, if that's the case." Before anyone can say anything else, Vic's father calls everyone to dinner.
I sit down next to my girlfriend and immediately get some of everything put on my plate. Once everyone has something on his plate, we start eating.
Wow, I've really missed real food these past few months. "This is delicious!" I say excitedly and receive a "Thank you." From her aunt. "Then look forward to tomorrow too, we'll go out to eat at my favorite restaurant." announces Vic. "And then we get gifts, right?" inquires her cousin. "Exactly, but only if you finish your plate now."

This is the first Christmas that I spend without my family. But I still feel at home and safe, so I don't even mind.
As soon as everyone is done eating, I help put a few things in the dishwasher before I get blindsided again by Vic's cousin, Fia. "Do you want to play something with me?" "Sure, why not?" "Come on!" Fia runs back into the living room.
Suddenly Vic puts her arms around me from behind and rests her head on my shoulder. "I know you're tired, so you don't have to play all night now." "I know, that's okay. I can sleep in tomorrow." "Yeah, but not too long either. I still have some things to show you!" I nod and disappear into the living room. The little girl is already sitting on the carpet, where a large game board is spread out. After a brief introduction to the game, we get started. Of course, she wins one round after the other, until at some point her mother comes and says that it's bedtime. Disappointed, she puts the game away. "How about Sarah and I put you to bed?" Vic inquires and immediately Fia beams again.

Within seconds she is in bed, where Vic tucks her in. After a goodnight to us, she also immediately closes her eyes and Vic and I leave the room. "Where is everyone sleeping? I mean this is already a big group."  "Fia with her parents in my dad's room, my grandma in Nica's room, us in mine and my dad and sister on the couch. It just always gets a little crowded around here at Christmas." "No problem." I squeeze Vic's hand and together we go to her room.

As I look into her blue eyes and smile ~Victoria De Angelis(english translation)Where stories live. Discover now