Chapter 6

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Meixiang was sitting in the living room , watching tv, as she heard the door opening ,it was her mother coming back from work , late as usually

It was raining cats and dogs
The woman clothes were drenched
Meixiang got her a towel and put them to dry

Her mother sat down next to her
The exhaustion was horribly visible
The woman was skin and bones , her eyes were tired
Her body was getting weaker day after day , her health was getting worse and worse

Meixiang's mother worked at several jobs , she would stay over shifts, work day and night , to provide a living
It was hard for her , yet she never once complained

Meixiang would wonder ,every time her mother goes off to work at the middle of the night , what is she doing ?
Yet , she never asked...

That specific night her mother got a phone call
That was the first time meixiang dared to ask her
Yet she didn't respond , the woman smiled at her daughter and left

Meixiang didn't knew she wouldn't return
She wouldn't let her go once again , if she knew...

-  you have no right to speak ill about her - meixiang spoke , her anger growing bigger and bigger

- your mother was a wh0re, didn't you know ? Didn't you once ask what she did over the night ? She was making money , with her body. - the girl said

- that's not true. My mother worked all her life , fair and honest , she wouldn't have done such a thing !

- yeah , should I ask my dad? I'm sure he remembers her , she was one of his favourite

It's a lie
Isn't it ?
Her mother would never
She wouldn't have , right ?

Hello there ~
Are you doing well?

Woah , the rumours about Meixiang's mother are pretty harsh... well , right now we could only assume them being true or not...

We would find out the truth in the next chapter!
Stay tuned until then ;)

Thank you so much for your time and votes !
I really hope you're enjoying the story , I'll work harder from now on !

See you next week :3

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