Dealing with Jay

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Gary's POV

The next day, I woke up, and noticed no one was around. I looked around the room, but didn't see anyone. I sighed. Please tell me I was dreaming. I tried to sit up, but was in a lot of pain. I guess I wasn't dreaming. I laid back down, just as someone entered the room. It was Brian. "You've been out for a while." He said to me. I just rolled my eyes. I hate him. "Are you willing to talk now?" He asked me. "No. I'm not telling you where Andy is. Where are my friends?" I asked. "Tell me where Andy is, and I will tell you where your friends are." "I don't know where Andy is. You have to believe me." I said, not wanting to piss him off again. "Well, unfortunately, I don't believe you. I'm about to lose my temper with you again. Tell me where Andy is, now!" I cried to myself. I really didn't know where Andy was. "I don't know. I really don't." "Tell me, or I'm going to hurt you again!" "I don't know where he is! Why won't you believe me?!" "Because, I know you took him in! I didn't find him, when the guys, and I, took you and your friends! Now, where is he!" "I don't know! He probably took off, after you showed up to my bus! He must have heard you, and ran off!" I instantly regretted saying that. He got angry, and hurt me again. I just cried, until I passed out. When I woke up again, I wasn't in the same room, that I was in the last time I woke up. I was in the hospital. How did I get here, and how long have I been here? I looked around the room, and saw Dalton sitting next to me. I grabbed his hand, and he jumped, then looked at me. "Oh Gary, you're ok!" He said, a bit happy. He hugged me, and I yelped in pain. He instantly let go of me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was worried about you. You've been asleep for awhile, and I didn't know if you were going to wake up." He said, slightly panicking. "It's ok Dalton, I'm just in a lot of pain. How long have I been here, and how did I get here?" I asked. "I heard Brian hurt you again, so I found a way to get free, and found my phone. I called the cops, and they showed up. You were brought here by an ambulance, and have been here since yesterday. You've been out for over 24 hours. Jay and Joe are at their busses. I was told to call them, when you woke up. They have a lot of questions to ask you." "I take it, Jay has already asked you a ton of questions." "Yeah, but I refused to answer his questions, so now he's pissed." "Great, like I really needed to know that." I said mainly to myself. "Well, I figured I let you know that, Andy is ok. He did take off. He heard Brian at the bus, and left shortly after we left the bus. He's at a hotel, but had asked if he could come back." Dalton said. "I don't care, I just don't want to deal with this again. I'm in a lot of pain, and can barely move." I said, starting to cry. I was in a lot more pain, then I thought. "I'm going to get your nurse." Dalton said, then he left the room. I can't tell if he's mad at me, or mad about something else. Either way, I can tell he's mad. A few minutes later, he walked in, with my nurse behind him. He sat down on the bed, while my nurse gave me some Tylenol. I took the pills, then laid back down. As soon as my nurse left the room, I spoke to Dalton. I needed to know what was wrong. "Dalton, are you ok?" I asked, a little scared. He sighed. "Not really. I'm upset, because you got hurt by your ex, and I couldn't stop him. Oh, and Jay and Joe, are on their way over here. I called Jay, and told him you were awake." "Why? I don't want to talk to them." I said, in a whiney way. I really didn't want to deal with Jay. I know he's going to be angry. "Because, he kept calling and texting me, about an update on you. I'm sorry Gary, but if he gets out of control, I will have him leave." "Fine, but he better not yell at me. I can't handle that. Not right now, at least." "I know, and I will talk to him, when he shows up." "Ok, for now, I'm going to rest. Wake me, when they get here." "Ok Gary, night. I love you." "I love you too." I took a nap after that. I'm still exhausted, from having to deal with Brian.

Dalton's POV

As soon as Gary fell asleep, I got a message from Jay, saying they were here. I knew this would happen. I walked out of the room, and went to meet them in the lobby. "Hey Jay." I said, when I approached them. "Hey, where's Gary's room?" "Before I take you guys to see him, I need to talk to you." I said, concerned. I need him to know that this is serious." "About what?" He asked, a bit impatient. "I need you to stay calm around him. Please don't get angry with him. He doesn't need that right now." "I'm not going to get angry with him, I'm really worried about him, and I want to make sure he's ok. Please, let me see him." "Fine, but if you start to get angry with him, you are leaving." "Whatever, just take me to his room, please." I sighed, then took them to Gary's room. We walked in, and I woke him up. "Gary, Jay and Joe are here to see you." I said, as I gently shook his shoulder. He groaned, and woke up. I sat down on the other side of the bed, and helped Gary sit up. Then Jay walked up to Gary. "Hey Gary, how are you?" He asked. "I'm fine, just in pain." Gary said. Jay sighed, then sat down in front of Gary. "Has that guy always been like this towards you?" "Why do you care all of sudden?" Gary asked, a bit upset. I grabbed his hand, to calm him down. "Because, I do care. I just don't show it." "No you don't, if you did, you never would've treated me the way you have, and given me a chance to explain what happened, the night I went missing. But, you blamed me for taking off instead." Gary said, losing his patients with Jay. "I know Gary, and I'm sorry. I won't treat you like that again, I promise. I just want to know what happened, and why that guy treated you like this." Gary rolled his eyes. "Maybe I'll tell, when you can earn my trust." "Fine, at least tell the truth about you and Dalton. Are you two together?" Gary sighed in frustration. "If you really must know, yes, we are, and he loves me." "I knew it. But, it's your choice, not mine. I just hope he treats you right." "He does. He's very protective of me as well." "Yeah, so I've noticed. I can tell he loves you, and cares for you. I'm glad to know he treats you well. Do you know how long you will be here?" "No, why?" "We have to perform tomorrow, that's why, and I'm not sure how to explain this to Reid's manager." "I'll see if I can be released tomorrow, if you guys can cover sound check for me." "Sure. I don't see why we can't." "Thanks Jay." "You're welcome. We'll see you tomorrow, Gary. Rest for the night. We love you." "Does Joe not want to talk to me?" Gary asked, in a hurt way. That's when we all noticed, he wasn't even in the room. Gary whined to himself. "I guess not, I'll see you tomorrow." Jay said, then he walked out of the room. I wonder where Joe went, and why he left the room. "You mind if I leave the room for a few minutes?" I asked Gary. "I don't care, I'm going back to sleep." I helped him lay down, and he went to sleep. I left the room, and went looking for Joe. I found him in the hall, talking to Jay. "Why did you leave the room?" Jay asked him, in a mad way. "Cause I didn't want to be in there, ok? I had nothing to say to him. Besides, I figured you wanted to talk to him alone." "I thought you wanted to see Gary. Isn't that why you came with?" "No, you talked me into coming along, after I told you, I didn't want to see Gary." "Fine, I'll leave your ass there tomorrow." Jay walked off, after saying that. Great, if it's not Jay mad at Gary, it's Joe. It's like they take turns being mad at Gary, for no reason. I went back to the room, and sat on the bed. Later that evening, he was free to go home, so I took him to his bus, and tucked him bed. He slept for the rest of the day, and throughout the night. I wouldn't be surprised, if it was because he was depressed. With everything that has happened, I wouldn't blame him. The next morning, Andy had showed up, and I let him in. "Thank you for letting me come back. I'm so sorry Gary got hurt because of me." He said, as he walked in the bus. "You're welcome, but please don't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault." "I know, but you said if he got hurt, then I had to leave. I thought if I took off, he would leave Gary alone, but I was wrong." "It's ok Andy, Gary's ok now. Sort of, he's sleeping a lot right now, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was like this for at least a week." "How bad was he hurt?" "He was in the hospital for two days." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." "It's ok, he'll be fine. He has me." "Ok, well, I would like to take a nap. Is the bunk still available for me?" "Yes, you may go to sleep." "Thank you." He said, then he went to the bunk area, and got in his bunk. At least he's back, where he's safe. I locked the front door, and went back to the backroom. I laid down with Gary, until he woke up. I had let the guys know that Gary was out of the hospital, but needed to rest. Jay had texted me back, and said that they will cover sound check for him. I let Gary sleep till 5pm. Then I got him up, and had him go shower. "Gary, it's time to get up, and go shower." I said to him. "I don't want to get up." He said, trying to go back to sleep. "I don't care, you need to get up and go shower, now." I said, getting a bit impatient with him. He groaned, and got out of bed. He grabbed some clothes, and went to shower. He took a 15 minute shower, then took forever to get dressed, and come out of the bathroom. I started getting worried, until he finally walked out of the bathroom. I can't say I was surprised, when he walked out, with a jacket on. "It's not cold outside." I said to him. He just glared at me, then walked away. What is his problem? I followed behind him, as he left the bus, and went in the arena. He went to his dressing room, and tried to shut me out, but I was able to stop him, from shutting the door. "You will not shut me out. I will get you to talk to me." I said, as I walked in the room, and closed the door. He sat down on the couch, and rolled his eyes at me. "What is wrong with you?" I asked, trying to not lose my temper with him. "Why does it matter? It's not like anyone cares about me anyways." He said quietly. I heard what he said, and I was in shock to hear that. So I was right, he was depressed again. I walked up to him, and sat down. "I care about you, and that's all you need." "Whatever. Just leave me alone." "No, I want you to talk to me, please. I want to know what is going on with you." "Why, why do you care, and why are you still here? I don't understand why you stick around, when all I do is push you away." "I care, because I love you, and I stay, because you need me. I know you don't mean to push me away, but I will always be here for you. No matter what happens." He rolled his eyes, but I knew it's what he needed to hear. Especially since he was trying not to cry, but was failing. "Please tell me what's wrong." I said, hoping he would tell me. He just shook his head, stood up, and walked away. I sighed. I at least tried.

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