The Partner

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When you look up high at the sky

you see the sun

she waves a sign

And when you look up high at the night

you see the moon

you see his light

And though it's time to close your eyes

We'll meet through tomorrow's bend

Cause we won't ever say goodbye

You're my star till the end


When I look up high at the light

I see your face

you can see mine

And when I make a wish some place far

you bring your love

you found my heart

Kylo laid there in the dusty training arena, looking at the glittering night sky, the soft lullaby still in her head. She knew she should have probably gone off to bed along with her other friends but sometimes, the best parts of life were just quietness and alone time. She couldn't have either of those things in her den, the sleeping quarters always turning into a never ending slumber party while the girls and boys talked for hours.

There was a cool breeze that passed over her face as she stared into the stars, admiring their different colors and beautiful shine. She wondered what was past those stars, what galaxies there were past the border line in which the people of Sanitatem could go to. And while she respected her planet's decision of keeping distance from more of the advanced planets and international wars, she couldn't help but just wonder what would happen if Sanitatem had installed all of those technological advancements. Their planet could rise from the shallows, maybe even earn more Paefs.

But what did Paefs matter considering she had lived in the Hood her entire life? The only times she had gone out was in secret. Elite Hood members always said that it was dangerous for people like her to live outside of the burrow, the main society of the Hood. In fact, some days she would rarely get to see the sky itself. Since most of the burrow was located underground, seeing the moon was a nice treat, and she wasn't just about to pass up that opportunity to go back to her den and spend time in a commonhouse in which she had spent almost every hour in.

But tonight was probably the last time she was going to be in that room. Tomorrow was going to be an important day, they would be separated into their Hood partners. Because as they had always said, there was the arrow and there was the bow, not one archer could be complete without the other. And to be honest, Kylo couldn't tell herself if she felt the same about that rule. It wasn't as if all people were bad, she just had a bad experience the last time she had a partner.

And that partner? Well, everyone said he went rogue, attacking many of the Hood's members, trekking chaos in whichever room he was in.

But did Kylo really see Gale to be the same monster everyone claimed him to be? She knew she should, she knew that she couldn't be in love with the person that had tried to kill her.

Yet did he really intend to kill her? Or was that just something that covered up his mind after taking those "prescriptions"?

She guessed it didn't really matter at that point, Gale was probably dead now. It was the government's duty to eliminate those that could harm Sanitatem. They probably thought that he was a Variant or something, or a hybrid. She thought to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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