Chapter 2

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"How long did you spend there?" Alisha asked me, seemingly enthralled.

I picked at my bagel and the small pieces fell back into the brown bag it came from rather than making it to my mouth. Too many eyes were on me. "Two weeks," I replied through a grin.

Alisha sighed, flicking her long, dyed-golden braids over her shoulder. "You are so lucky. Seriously, I can't even get my parents to travel across the state."

"They have a house there," Liz piped up, making my cheeks heat. Her bow-shaped lips pursed when Jessie gave her a nudge, but Liz ignored it. "It's right on the beach. It's super nice."

"You've been there?" Alisha asked, her eyes darting between me and Liz.

Liz's dark eyes had a gleam in there when she answered, "Oh, yeah. A bunch of times. Probably at least nine or ten, right Jess?"

Jessie looked between the two and I knew she wanted no part in the discussion. It was nothing more than the girls going at it again, using subtle jabs to try and poke where it might hurt. "Sure," Jessie answered before turning away and taking a swig from her water bottle.

I loved Liz, but she never quite knew when to stop. "It's my family's house," I interrupted.

A house I had, in fact, not visited over the summer. Even still, it was easier to tell them I'd spent time soaking up the sun rather than needing to explain why I'd had my phone confiscated. Neither Jessie nor Liz even suspected my deception, though I could tell Liz was a little disappointed that she hadn't been invited to visit when she'd spent at least one weekend there every summer since she was thirteen.

"That's awesome. I miss the water," Alisha sighed wistfully.

Liz scrunched up her button nose. "Aren't you always on the water?"

"Yeah, I'm on the water, not lazing in it." Alisha's toned physique spoke to that. She was easily the most talented rower on the crew team and it was in large part due to her dedication. A part of me wondered if that was why she and Liz were always poking at each other – they were competitive over who was more competitive.

Steph slapped her hand down at the far end of the table, making Freddie drop his slice of pizza on his lap. Interrupting our conversation with her own, she declared, "That's it. Back to school party at my house on Friday. No one is allowed to miss it!"

Jessie snorted, making me laugh. Steph noticed and pointed to me. "You'll be there."

"Of course," I answered easily as my stomach twisted. The girl could and would throw a party for just about anything.

"Will you actually?" Jessie asked playfully after Steph turned away. The pinch of her eyes expressed a hint of worry.

"Yeah," I said, stuffing a piece of my bagel in my mouth. "Why wouldn't I?"

Jessie shrugged. "You haven't gone to one in a while."

I mimicked her shrug. "New year. New me."

"That's the spirit," Liz added, a little too enthusiastically. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ben Kruger," Alisha said, almost under her breath.

Liz's pale cheeks became ruddy. "Other than that." She turned her whole frame away from Alisha. "I'm sure we'll have a great time."

I grinned. "Definitely." At the very least, I could hope, but I knew where Steph's house was.

Next to the woods.


Study Hall 206 loomed in front of me once again. I'd only had to attend it for a week last year before but it was enough for me to know all I needed to about it.

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