A New Ending To A Beautiful Song

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It was a beautiful night. The moon was full and stars were shining. A young lady named Camellia was waiting for her fiancé.

She's sitting at the table, the hours getting later
He was supposed to be here
She's sure he would've called

She drummed her fingers on the table as she leaned on her hand. Where is he? Why is he late? Oh that man! He could at least call me and I spent hours on dinner just for it to grow cold!

She waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway
No one's said they've seen him
Why, is something wrong?

I called everyone at his work place but no one knows where he is. I wonder what happened. She leaned on her chair as she crossed her arms. A frown appeared on her face as she looked at the clock.

She looks back to the window
Suddenly the phone rings
A voice says something's happened
That she should come right now

She stands up and went to the window. She pulled back the curtains a bit to look at the driveway. I'm getting worried. Her cellphone suddenly rings. "Hello?" She answered. "Good evening mam. Am I speaking to Ms. Camellia Star?" The caller asked. She frowned a bit as fear started to grow in her chest. "Yes?" she answered uncertainty laced in her voice. "This is from St. Patrick's hospital. I'm very sorry but there's been a terrible accident concerning Mr. Aaron Falls. We need you here in the hospital."

Her mind goes to December
She thinks of when he asked her
He bent down on his knee first
And he said

Her mind went back to the time when snow was falling softly from the sky. When he asked her the most important question of her life. They were in their special place and beautiful lights were surrounding them. He then bent down on one knee and said...

I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together
Forever and always

"Marry me?" He smirked confidently. She smiled at him and said, "Yes!" He put the ring on her finger and stands up to gather her in his arms. He whispered sweet words in her ear as love and fulfillment filled their hearts. He pulled back and leaned down to kiss her gently on her lips. He smiled softly at her and said, "I love you."

She pulls up to the entrance
She walks right to the front desk
They lead her down a million halls, a maze that's never ending
They talk about what happened but she can barely hear them

She entered the hospital and went up to the front desk. "I'm looking for Aaron Falls." She said as her voice shakes. The lady smiled sadly and personally lead Camellia to the room. The doctor appeared and tried to inform her of her lover's conditioned but all she heard was the frantic beating of her heart. He's fine. He won't ever leave me.

She tries to keep a straight face as she walks into the room
She sits by his bedside, holds his hand too tight
They talk about the kids they're gonna have and the good life
The house on the hillside, where they would stay

She tried to rein in her emotions as she walked into his room. He smiled weakly at her. She took a seat beside his bed and grabbed his hand tightly in hers. "Aaron, you know, I've decided we should have three boys and one girl." He smiled and said softly,"Isn't that a bit much?" She shakes her head. "I want a big family besides with me as a lawyer and you as a powerful businessman we could do it." "Alright, but I want a house with a magnificent view." "A house on a hillside then." "Yes, do you think we could do it?" "Yes, since I'll have you with me!" She said as tears ran down her face. He looked at her softly and smiled. "Forever and always."

Stay there forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether rich or for poor or for better
We'll still love each other, forever and always

"Yes, we will be together forever and ever." He laughed weakly and answered, "Through the good and the bad." " Whether rich or poor or for better." She said. "We will grow old together and love each other forever and always." Tears were running softly from her face as she nodded and said "Forever and alway."

Then she gets an idea and calls in the nurses
Brings up the chaplain and he says a couple verses
She borrows some rings from the couple next door
Everybody's laughing as the tears fall on the floor
She looks into his eyes, and she says

She suddenly stands up and run to the door to call a nurse. "Is everything alright mam?" The young nurse asked. "Yes but I need you to bring a chaplain. And hurry!" She then saw an old couple and walked up to them. "May I please borrow your rings? I want to prove something to my love." The couple smiled gently and handed her their old yet beautiful wedding rings.
The young nurse arrive with the chaplain. By now, their was a group gathered outside their room. The chaplain said a couple of verse as everyone look at Camellia and Aaron with wonder and sadness. With laughter and tears surrounding her, she look at him in the eye and said...

I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether happy or sad or whatever
We'll still love each other, forever and always
Forever and always, forever and always

He smiled at her with love and adoration. He always wondered why he was so lucky to be loved by this wonderful woman. He didn't want to leave her. He loved her too much and he knows how much she loved him. Tears swelled up in his eyes. I love you..

She finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow
His voice is almost too low
As he says,

She ends her vow with an I love you but the beeps from the monitor was slowing down. He took her hand and with a low but sincere voice he said..

"I love you forever, forever and always
Please just remember even if I'm not there
I'll always love you, forever and always."

His eye were dropping as he started to lose consciousness. "No! You can't! You can't leave me! Aaron!" She screamed. Doctors rushed into the room. Someone held her as she kicked and screamed his name. "Aaron!"


Years later,

An old couple were sitting in the balcony. They were inside each others arms, cuddling. The woman look up and smiled at the man beside her. He returned that smiled with one of his own. She placed her hear back on his chest as his arms tightened around her. He whispered into her ear "Forever and always, love."




I've been wanting to do this for years now! Ha finally done it!!!!


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