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act one, chapter four
violent basketball

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"So then, Carlos started yelling at Aid because—" Andrea's story is cut off by a loud laugh, making her turn to her boyfriend in confusion to see that all his attention was set on his phone. "Joseph?"

"Oh, sorry, baby. What were you saying?"

"What were you watching?" The brunette plasters on a smile, acting as if his lack of interest wasn't bothering her. "It must've been hilarious."

"Oh, no it's nothing." Joseph says, tucking his phone away as soon as the girl walked over to join him on the couch. "Just the guys."

"The guys." Andrea forces out a soft chuckle, glancing down at the pocket he had slid his phone into. Feeling like she was getting too much into her head, she shakes herself out of the trance and beams at her boyfriend. "So, homecoming. When should we go shopping for our outfits?"

"I thought you'd be going with the other cheer girls this weekend?"

Andrea looks at her boyfriend suspiciously, "How did you know that the cheer girls were going to go shopping together? I didn't tell you—"

"Oh, I–uh–I just overheard when I was waiting for you after practice the other day." Joseph grabs the girl's hands, "I thought it was like a team bonding thing."

"Oh, yeah. I already told them that I couldn't make it. I don't think that I can stand hanging out with Kennedy outside of practice."

"Kennedy isn't that bad—"

"She literally made us run a mile because someone wore the same practice outfit as her." Andrea rolls her eyes, folding her arms over her chest. "That girl preys on our team's downfall."

"I guess, that is bad." Joseph shakes his head, "Well, I was just going to wear my tux from last year since i'm going to be too busy to shop for a new one. Sorry, babe."

"It's fine. I'll just ask one of the theater kids to come shopping with me."

"God, I just realized i'm dating a theater kid."

"Shut up."

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"Hey, G. What's up?"

"Hey, thanks for coming in early. Carlos should be here in a sec, but I just needed some help with some choreo that I want to propose to Miss Jenn."

Andrea sets her bag to the side and walks over to the girl. "Cool, I have like two hours before I need to head out for cheer practice, but i'm free to help out until then."

"Perfect, thank you so much, Andy."

"No problem, I also have a favor to ask you." Andrea asks, hesitantly, making Gina turn to her in curiosity. "So my best friend is going homecoming dress shopping with some of our student gov friends today and is leaving me to fend for myself with picking a dress. Would you want to come dress shopping with me tomorrow?"

"Wait, really?" Gina says, surprised. She was touched, no one has ever asked her to go dress shopping with them before. "Uh—yeah, sure. I'd love that!"

"Perfect, i'll text you a time and I can steal my cousin's car for the day."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Thanks so much, G. You're the best." Andrea takes off her jacket and tosses it aside before dropping her duffle bag and joining Gina in stretching.

"All right, ladies. Let's do what we do best and dance."

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