Chapter One: A New Evil Approaches

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While here on Earth we may look up at the sky at night and see flashes of light and think of 'pretty stars' and 'meteors' however the flashes in the sky tonight were anything but. A lone ship shot passed Jupiter, its sole occupant frantically looking around her. Blonde hair in a ponytail, whipped around her as her glasses became more askew. "Come on" she said to herself, "Just a little bit further" she pushed her small space craft as hard as she could, hoping to reach somewhere safe. But something hit her from behind, Maria turned and saw it, the thing she was fleeing from. A large, city sized battleship bloomed out from behind the moon Callisto. This behemoth of a ship shot several volleys of laser bolts at the small ship. "Not good, I have to reach Earth" Maria yelled in desperation.

At the helm of the behemoth ship, a large white and gold figure stood, looking down upon the small vessel. "Captain Tynus, when will that ship be mine?" he asked in a booming voice as he waved his hand aggressively towards Maria's ship. A confident voice responded to this demand. "My lord, you shall have that ship and the girl within minutes, I assure you, King Attreus" The captain was a full foot shorter than the King, his Black and Blue features in clear contrast to his King. "Make sure it is" He barked before turning to see his wife. "Calestra, as promised I shall gift you the Morphing Crystal, you shall have the most exquisite neckless in the galaxy" The beautiful Queen Calestra looked at her husband. "You do know how to spoil me Attreus. But I heard that there's something more valuable in this Solar System I want" she said, a tone of superiority in her voice. "And what would that be my dear?" Attreus asked, his white eyes fixated on her face. Calestra began to walk away from her husband and out the large window in the front of the bridge. "The Planet Earth. I want to add it to my collection" She said looking at the blue orb that grew closer to them in the distance. "Ah" He said, understanding dawning in his mind. "A fine prize my queen, a fine prize indeed. Very well. We shall add this planet E-Arth to the Empire of King Attreus of the Zanthus Kingdom." He said as a declaration. "It is pronounced Earth Father" A smaller figure said looking at Attreus. "Princess Astera!" some of the guards shouted in surprise. "Buzz off peasent" She spat as she threw her arm out, hitting the two guards closest to her. The guards were sent flying, hit the wall, sparks flew everywhere and they hit the ground, barely stirring. "My, my Astera" Attreus said in mock surprise. "Very well. This Earth shall be ours" he said. All the Royals and members of The Attreus Forces began to laugh. All except Astera. Her red and purple features glared at the small ship in front of them. "Destroy that thing" She bellowed. Adhering to their Princess's orders, the crew charged up their weapons and fired a gigantic volley at the small ship. Surely none of these bolts would hit.

Alarms rang in Maria's ear. She looked around her to see the bolts shooting towards her. "I know I know, I can see them" She yelled at her ship. She tried to avoid them but her efforts were futile. The engines of her ship were destroyed and she began to tumble uncontrollably through space. The cheers back on the behemoth ship rang in everyone's ears. "Tally one more up to the Gigetsa" Tynus cheered. "Quartermaster" Attreus bellowed. "Prepare my ship. We're going down"

Meanwhile on Earth. A high school bell rings through the halls. "Come on, come on, I can't be late again" a girl with auburn hair was saying as she sprinted down the hallway. Lindsey was small in stature, but athletically built, her hair was thick and billowed behind her as she ran. Her black skirt, red top, red sneakers, black Alice band and her bag all flapped, bounced or thudded along with her as she ran. "Miss McKnight" a sharp voice rang over the bell and into Lindsey's ear. "Oh man" she moaned to herself. "Vice Principal Donavan, can I say how wonderful you look toda..." "Don't give me that McKnight, you're late again, this is the third time this week, I have to keep you after school young lady" the stern looking woman said as she cut Lindsey off mid-sentence. "But Ms Donavan, I have a good reason today" Lindsey said in a rushed voice. "And I am sure it is well rehearsed. After school. Today. No exceptions" Ms Donavan said imperiously. "Yes Ma'am" Lindsey said defeated.

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