Power Rangers Legacy - Chapter Three: The Secrets Revealed

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"Hey Lindsey" Maria said running up to Lindsey as the latter was stowing textbooks in her locker. "Oh Maria, what are you doing here, you don't go to this school" Lindsey said looking at her. She still showed slight damages from the battle with Attreus and his army but was ultimately content and happy. "That's the best part, your mom enrolled me at this school" Maria said brightly. Much like when the pair had met, Maria had her hair up in a ponytail, but unlike that meeting, she now wore a black top, boots and pink shorts. "That's so cool, love the outfit by the way" Lindsey said beaming at her. "Thanks, I thought that since pink is my Ranger colour I should wear it" Maria said twirling. Lindsey stared at her and back to herself.

Now she mentions it, why do the Power Rangers always wear the colour they're associated with to Lindsey, if a group of friends went around wearing the same colours every day, and the same colours of the Power Rangers, wouldn't that be a give-away as to who they Power Rangers really were.

Yet no one ever noticed.

"Have you seen Yuri and the others?" Maria asked. "No I haven't, then again I'm pretty sure their class was on the other side of the school, we have history class next so they should be there soon." Lindsey grabbed her history book and lead Maria to Mr Gustin's classroom. When she opened the door to the classroom, it was empty, save for Mr Gustin. "Ah, Hello there Lindsey, you're early" He said cheerfully. Lindsey smiled as best she could.

After the awakening of their powers and their first battle as Power Rangers, Maria had nowhere to go, her ship was destroyed and she was on an unfamiliar planet. Realising this, Lindsey invited Maria to stay with her and her mom, to which her mom was happy to help. Lindsey had started to open up a bit and her rough shell was slowly softening, while she still seemed to buttheads with James, she was talking to the others a lot more and was being more open to Maria about why she's so independent.

"I was just showing Maria around the school and realised we had history class together" Lindsey said introducing Maria to her teacher. "Ah yes, our newest student" he said cheerfully. "Well I welcome you to our school and hope you have a good time" he said shaking Maria's hand. "Thank you sir" She said nervously. "And she's polite too" Mr Gustin said looking to Lindsey. "Do not let her get away" He said to her. While Maria looked confused, Lindsey went to ask Mr Gustin something. "Mr Gustin?" "Yes Lindsey" "The Meteor the other day, do you know anything more about it?"  The teacher sighed, "Alas, I do not, I did see those aliens though, and Power Rangers, can you believe it" He said in awe. Maria and Lindsey looked at each other and smiled. "Do you know about Power Rangers then?" Maria asked. "Know about them? My dear girl I have been a fan ever since the Power Rangers first appeared in Angel Grove over twenty years ago" "Wow, that's a long time ago" the girls said. Mr Gustin nodded, "I know things about the Power Rangers that no one else knows, I bet my house on it" he said like someone who housed a terrible secret. Just then, there was a knock on the door, it flew open and James, Yuri and Liam walked in, followed by the rest of the class. "Oh wow, Lindsey is actually on time" Liam joked as he saw her "And... Maria?" he then shouted. "Ah you have bet this girl before, Mr Brook?" Mr Gustin said smiling. "Er.. Yeah, The other day actually" he said nervously. "Well I would not want to keep you. Let us begin our lesson on Ancient Armies of the Mediterranean" Mr Gustin said cheerfully. The lesson passed relatively quick, Mr Gustin went around the class asking people what they thought about that era of history, Lindsey shocked everyone with her enlightened view. "What? I know things" she said when they looked at her shocked. This caused many to laugh, even Maria and Mr Gustin. Maria was in awe during the lesson as she was raised on Mirinoi so Earth history was new to her.

Meanwhile, on the Gigesta, Queen Calestra was in the middle of a tantrum. "You told me that those crystals would be mine" She shouted at Attreus. "My dear calm yourself please, I am trying to think of a plan" He said as he held his head in his hands. "Father I have an idea" Astera said from beside him. "Not now Astera, I am in no mood to hear your childish ideas, you already disobeyed me once before when you made Astarkus grow larger" He snapped at her. "But father, It almost worked" Astera protested. "Almost is correct. Almost means you still failed" Attreus started shouting. "You are too immature to understand the calibre of what we do" "Then teach me" Astera protested. "Do not disobey your father" Calestra shot at her daughter. "He is far too busy to tend to your selfish needs" "Selfish?" Astera shouted, outraged. "You're the one who keeps bleating on about wanting those crystals for you" "Enough the pair of you, I just got an idea" Attreus said triumphantly. "Herestis" he called. "My King" a very round figure responded, appearing at the doorway to the bridge. "You will be the one to go down and retrieve those crystals for me" Attreus said. "Your unstoppable movement will surely defeat those Rangers for me" "It will be done my lord" Atestra looked at this scene with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. "It's not fair, how can I grow if I'm refused the chance to grow"

Back on Earth Mr Gustin's history class was reaching its final moments. Just as he was about to move on to something else, the bell rang and the school day was over. "Oh my, is that the bell, we will continue this next time then" He said undeterred. "One moment please you five" He said stopping Lindsey and the others. When the room was empty and he knew it was safe to talk, Mr Gustin whispered so they could all hear him. "Now, I don't know what you all were doing the other day when those aliens attacked the city, but I saw a video of you all in the thick of it all" They all looked concerned. "I was so proud when I saw you all helping people, then those Power Rangers came and defeated that monster. If... let us say... you wanted a quiet place to recuperate should another alien attack, there is always the disused workshop just across the school field there, you might find it interesting" he said in a secretive manner. James and Lindsey looked cautiously at each other. Without another word, Mr Gustin ushered them out. "Does he know?" Liam whispered to the others. "I don't know, I want to hope not" James said. "If he knows, it'll add a target on his back" "I don't know about you, but I'm curious to check out what he said about that workshop". Equally intrigued by this information, the others followed Lindsey over to where Mr Gustin indicated. It took them a little time to find it, but when they did, the outside looked abandoned and rundown. "Shall we go in?" Maria said timidly. "Maybe we shouldn't, it looks like it could come down at the slightest tou..." James said smartly but was cut off when Lindsey kicked the door open. "There, its stable" she said walking through the door. James looked incredulously after her as the others looked at her wish a mixture of laughter and exasperation.

When they entered the workshop, they were floored by what they saw. Outside it was nothing but a rundown looking shed, but inside it was high-tech and fully modernised. "Woah, this is amazing" Yuri said, breaking the awed silence. Looking around they all examined everything, failing to notice the figure that entered the room behind them. "Hello there" he said cheerfully. All five of them whipped around and took up a fighting stance. "Hang on Rangers, I mean you no harm, I am Squadron Red" The figure wore a Red Ranger suit with a white sleeveless vest over his chest, his helmet had a silver pattern over his mouth connecting his chin and visor. His suit was trimmed with gold  and he had a badge over his heart. "What do you want with us?" Yuri asked. "I merely wish to assist you. You have powers but cannot control them, you wielded the powers of your parents during your battle the other day, but those powers were not yours, I can help you harness your powers" Squadron Red said. "And why should we trust you?" James asked suspiciously. "You have no reason to, but if you wish to learn about the secrets of the crystal, you will accept what I will give you" "And what would those be?" Lindsey asked a little harsher than she intended. "These" Squadron Red said handing them some flip phones. "Some old phones?" Lindsey asked. "More than that. I call them Legacy Morphers" "Morphers?" Liam said excitedly. "Wow" Yuri said examining his. "Put the keys in the hole when the morpher is open, turn it and say the passphrase 'Re-live The Legacy' and you will morph" "But how do we know they will work?" Maria asked curiously. "A good question, one I have an answer for" Squadron Red said. "They are bound to work through any link to the Morphing grid, I was waiting for the Morphin Crystal to complete them" "Oh that's what Mom said about give it to the veteran Ranger on earth. That would be you" Maria said realising something. "Quite" Squadron Red said. "Now, I had fun designing the suits, you might find them, let us just say they are may remind you of pirates." "Pirates?" Maria and Liam asked, both in different tones, Maria not knowing what Pirates were, and Liam in awe.

Before they could ask any more questions, an alarm sounded. "Looks like another alien attack" James said looking at the screen. "Then you must go, show them your true powers" Squadron Red said. "Let's go" Lindsey said running out the room.  Meanwhile in the city, Herestis was on a rampage, he was destroying many benches, news-stands and even the lower floor shops as he rolled around like a ball only gaining momentum as he rolled. "Oh Rangers" he called, "Come out come out, I'm on a roll here" he laughed at his poor joke. "Your assault ends here bowling ball" James shouted to him as the Rangers reached his location. "Ah, I have been waiting for you" Herestis said, happy to see the rangers. "Well, if it's a fight you want, I'll be willing to give it to you" Lindsey said, "We" James corrected her. "Sure, whatever" Lindsey shrugged. "Anyway... It's Morphing Time"  All rangers opened their morphers and inserted the keys. "Re-Live The Legacy" They called out in sync. When the morphing sequence concluded, they were all dressed in similar and coordinated uniforms, with black inner suits, white gloves and coloured boots, coat-like torso pieces and helmets corelating to their colours, Lindsey and Maria also having skirts. Liam in Blue, Maria in Pink, Yuri in Green, with James and Lindsey in Red. "Seriously, We still share Red" James said looking at Lindsey. "Looks like it" She replied. "Hoplites" Herestis called. A large group of Hoplites grew out the ground and began to move towards the Rangers. "Come on, let's test out our powers." Lindsey said, unknowingly taking a role of leadership. They drew their cutlass like sabres and ran into the group of Hoplites. While they were separated from each other, the rangers made swift work of them and were soon left facing Herestis.

"You're mine" Lindsey said running straight at him. She swung her Legacy Sabre aiming at his chest. It glanced off his armour and he countered her attack by simply swiping at her with his fist. When it hit her, Lindsey was sent flying as the others began their attacks. Like with Lindsey, their attacks glanced off Herestis. The five of them began attacking him in a swarm like motion, it was very unrefined but their attacks barely did any damage on their own, his armour was too thick. Lindsey backed away from him, "Energy Slash" she called as she shot an energy blade towards Herestis as she slashed through the air. Her red energy blade collided with him and this time, sent him flying causing more damage. "Not bad" he gasped. "But let me show you my trick" Herestis tucked himself into a ball and began to roll towards the Rangers.

Before they could react, Herestis was rolling towards them, they tried to stop him but failed. The moment he touched them, the force struck them hard causing them to fly in different directions. "Wow, OK, that hurt" James said staggering to his feet. "He's like a boulder" Yuri said reaching James. "Yeah, that or the Bowling ball to our pins" Liam said reaching them too. "Time to go for a Spare" Herestis said as he rolled towards them. "Power Shield" James called as he created one of his energy shields Herestis hit it and was rebounded off it but kept all his momentum. "Well that works" he said, not realising he sent Herestis at Lindsey and Maria. "Dodge" Lindsey shouted as they leapt out the way. Yuri, while focused on Herestis and where he was, was also looking around for ways to stop him. 'If James' shield doesn't stop him, how can we?' he asked himself. His lack of attention almost cost him as he felt someone dive into him, moving him out the way. "Head in the game Yuri" Lindsey said peevishly at him as she immediately got to her feet. It was then that Yuri spotted it. "Lindsey, I have an idea, but I need you and James to work together" "Sorry Yuri, but I don't work with others" "Please just try it" he almost begged her. "Fine, what do I need to do?" She relented. "You'll like this, just shove him in the aliens path as it rolls" Yuri said cheerfully. "Is that it?" Lindsey asked surprised. "Yep, just aim him close to that truck over there" Yuri said, pointing at a truck nearby. "If this works, you all need to attack him with a sabre slash attack, that should beat him, I hope" he said unsure. "Yuri" Lindsey said laying a hand on his shoulder, "I might not be much of a team player, but you have a gift for strategy, you shouldn't doubt yourself so much, if you believe it will work, it will work" She said consolingly.

"Yo, this is no time to stop and chat" James' voice called over to them as he and the others dodged another pass by Herestis. "Go, wait by the truck, I'll make sure your plan works" Lindsey said before using her super speed to reach the others. "Wow, using that power when morphed tires me out a lot faster" she said panting. "You best have a plan" James said to her, irritably. "I do... I mean, We do, Yuri needs us to aim this pinball to that truck" She pointed at the truck Yuri had just reached. "We use your shields, my speed and even Liam's flexibility to aim him to that truck" "That might work" Liam said as he dodged another pass. "It's worth a try" James pondered. "Ok, let's try" Lindsey grabbed James by his shoulders and Liam stretched himself between two trees, Herestis tried to hit him but Liam was able to resist and shoot him towards James and Lindsey. Herestis hit James' energy shield and shot off in another direction. Lindsey used her speed to move James back into his pathway and caused the cycle to repeat, eventually they got him in a place where they could drive him towards Yuri. As Herestis rolled towards Yuri, he aimed a hose at him and shot a black liquid at him. It hardened very quickly stopping the rolling alien in its tracks. "No no no, that's not fair" Came a muffled voice as the ball essentially froze in place. "It worked, Now's our chance" Lindsey shouted. "Legacy Blade, Final Strike" All Rangers shouted as they shot energy blades at the frozen Herestis. The rainbow of energy shot towards him and when they collided, he was defeated in a large explosion. The Rangers all celebrated and ran to Yuri. "It worked" Lindsey shouted. "What was in that truck?" James asked slapping Yuri on the back. "Tar, while still fluid it is incredibly sticky and quick to harden" Yuri explained. "Good thinking" Liam said cheerfully.

Up on Gigesta Attreus was furious. "How are my elite soldiers so useless" he shouted in a tirade. "Captain, Make Herestis grow" "At once my lord"

The purple laser shot from the Gigesta and down on to where Herestis was defeated. The Rangers all backed away as he grew in size. "This isn't good, I can't access the Q Rex in this form" James said with a worried tone. "Never fear Rangers" came a familiar voice in their ears. "Squadron Red?" Lindsey asked. "Yes, it is. Rangers, there is one more gift I wish to give you. The Legacy Skyship and Zords" as he said this, five Zords flew down from the sky. The Red Legacy Skyship, The Blue Legacy Jet, The Green Legacy Racer, The Pink Legacy Sub and The Crimson Legacy Wheeler. "Woah" Liam said in awe. "Jump in to the Zord that matches your colour and you may access the Legacy Megazord" "Ok, Lets go" Lindsey said teleporting into the Red Skyship. When the others entered their Zords, Herestis began swatting at them as if they were flies buzzing around his head. "Time for the Megazord" Lindsey called as she entered her key into the wheel of her Zord. The others did the same and all the Zords combined to form the pirate looking Legacy Megazord. "This is awesome" Liam said in amazement as they all took their place in the main cockpit. "Yeah, this is great" Maria said echoing his excitement. "Let's see what this can do" James said directing the Megazord to battle the large alien. Herestis rolled towards them but the Megazord was strong enough to stop him in his tracks after being pushed back several hundred metres. As they stopped him, they held Herestis in place stopping him from moving. "Quick while he can't dodge" Lindsey shouted. All Rangers placed their keys into the keyholes of their steering wheels and turned them. As they did, the torso of the Megazord opened, revealing a large cannon hidden inside. Energy began to gather in the cannon charging it. "Legacy Cannon Blast" The Rangers said in unison as the energy in the cannon was unleashed and shot at Herestis. As soon as the blast collided with him, it exploded destroying him instantly.

Back at the school workshop, the Rangers were still celebrating their win. "Well done Rangers" Squadron Red was saying clapping his hands. "I am pleased at your teamwork, you have all grown already, compared to how you battled when you first awakened your powers" "That was great, but you never told us your name, I know you said Squadron Red but you must have a name" James said after Liam stopped jumping up and down behind him. "Ah yes, my name is Johan, so you may call me that instead" Ok, Thanks Johan" Lindsey said. "Now you have access to the Red Skyship you have access to here at all times as well as a command centre to use and monitor the aliens" Johan said to them all. "That's amazing, thank you" Lindsey said with the others agreeing behind her.

"Now then, you kids should go home, I'm sure more attacks will come soon" Johan said as the Rangers continued to celebrate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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