Chapter 2: Just One Bite

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Due to the preparation for tomorrow’s school event, classes were finished earlier than normal and the bell rang at 12 noon. Middle schoolers flooded the hallway as they headed towards their designated group to help around the school for their fundraising event; some students stayed in school to help, some took the opportunity to take advantage of the freedom and ditched the rest of their group. As much as Senjuro wanted to help, he couldn’t, packing his things as quickly as he could to go home before his father could scold him for missing out on his chores. He sighs, he really wants to have at least one day where he could play with his friends and other classmates in his class.

Luckily, the closest he can call friends are classmates of his, which would be Kotetsu Kanamori, Hiroshi Shinazugawa, and Takeo Kamado. He’s very thankful that they approached him themselves and hung around him, because he could never without feeling like he’s making it awkward due to his shy mannerisms. Even when he can’t join in on their planned hangouts on the weekends, they never fail to at least try to invite him to go out and play, no matter how many times he reluctantly refused or when his father told them off, they continued to do so. It felt nice having friends, the thought of them bloomed a warm feeling inside Senjuro’s heart.

Perhaps if he was able to find a way to finish his chores faster than usual, he could spare some time for them instead of only being able to be with them during school hours. He could access YouTube for an easy and simple hack on stuff that usually takes too long to do, or find a shortcut, or practice doing chores faster and in an efficient way. He can imagine how it might take long for him to perfect the art of doing chores quickly due to his stature and young age, but hopefully with time and enough dedication and determination, he can do it and be able to have a whole friendship experience. A smile crept on his face as he zipped his bag close.

“Hey Senjuro!” A familiar, warm, and energetic voice called out to him, Takeo popping up out of the corner of his eye. “We’re going to the mall after making the banner to get other supplies for the event with Rui and Zohakuten. Wanna come?” He then added, furrowing his brows, “Oh, are you heading home?” There was a sort of sad tone in his voice that made Senjuro awkwardly look away. Takeo had always been the protective one in their little group, so for him to see Senjuro leave to do chores that should at least be lessened - in his opinion - by his dad, made him feel helpless that he couldn’t do much.

“Well, if I tell my father that I went grocery shopping, maybe I’ll have a chance.” Senjuro pondered out loud before shaking his head, “But I don’t have enough money for groceries, so tough luck.” He lets out a sigh. He really wants to join them, even for just a few minutes. From what he heard, there’s this new bakery in the mall that sells custard croissants. He really wants to try it with them. “Maybe I can join next time. Father expects me to be home by 1:30. Laundry day.”

Kotetsu, who just arrived the moment he heard Senjuro’s reason, huffed in frustration, “Your father should just do it himself!” To which surprised Senjuro when he appeared so suddenly.

“It’s… It’s alright. I’ll find a way to do my chores quicker.”

Kotetsu frowned, “It’s unfair that he’s making you do a lot of chores.” He complained, “You deserve at least a day off! He’s a grown man, it’s so embarrassing that someone of his age is making a child do it.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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