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I'm Sofia Sherwood, I'm 15, I live with my mother. After the tornado struck our house I was left with my mother in Salem Massachusetts. The rest of my family did not make it.I have long brown hair and I'm very tall.Some girls have been having fits. They think it started when the slave Tituba told a group of girls some tales. Tituba is awaiting trial. She was accused of witchcraft."It's the devil" exclaimed Mother. More women were accused today by the same girls.Tituba had her trial already.She is guilty. The next night I was awoken."Huh?" I grumbled"You have been accused of witchcraft."Stated the guard.I could not quite make out the figure. He was tall,and was in uniform.The next day I was in prison. It took a while for me to figure it out. I was accused for witchcraft! I met a girl about the same age as me in there too. She explained that "I have to stay calm and be honest", (as in lie).My trial is July 18. Today is July 17 which means my trial is tomorrow. I am nervous about lying. Mother would not approve of this,but she would probably not approve of me being hung either. She would be alone. For once in my life I have to lie. "Sofia Sherwood accused of witchcraft."The Judge remarked My stomach trembled. Who accused me? Why? The man that brought me out nodded. Should I lie or be honest. "Do you confess to doing this."The judge responded to the man."No Sir,I did not do that." I replied "She is lying," a girl yelled from the background. Was this my accuser? I have never seen her before. Why would she accuse me. The girl started to have a fit. "It's her,she is doing this to me."She yelled "Sofia Sherwood accused of witchcraft ,Guilty."The Judge announced.I couldn't believe this. I had to do something!The man that brought me in started to take me out."Wait!"I yelled as loud as I could."I have been practicing witchcraft." I confessed,I was taken back to my stand."Will you continue to practice witchcraft again?"He asked"No." I confirmed"Ok,You will not be hung,if you never do it again."He announced. It felt very good to be safe again.The governor's wife was accused in October.The trials were stopped. Turns out a lot of people were accused, at least 60. about nineteen innocent people were hung. I guess a lot of people did not know they had to lie. I still have not told mother about lying yet...

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