Like Any Other Day

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Today I quit my job. It was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
Let's rewind a little bit.
Hello, my name is Leilani Aspen, I'm 23 and I work, or well, used to work at a coffee shop in a small town not many people know about or often visit.
As you already know, I've been dreaming about pursing fashion in Paris and I got into my dream school, that's why I quit my job in the first place, but it didn't go as expected...
I asked to see the owner, the person who hired me out of whatever reason ceases to exist. I've never gotten his name or maybe I didn't care as much as I should've whenever we had a conversation.
He looks like he's in his mid 30's, not so bad looking. Although he could do better at styling his black, silky hair and he should really cut out the checkered shirt.
It really doesn't suit him. I stand in front of his desk, waiting for a reply as I look into his emerald eyes that seem to get lost whenever they catch a glance at my face, it's almost like he's trying to catch whatever is left of me as a coffee barista. Isn't it obvious? The man doesn't want you to go, you're a valuable asset and now you're running away. I tell myself briefly, letting out a sigh.
"You're running out of ideas to keep me here. You might as well let me run freely." I tell him with a pause.
He raises a brow, opening his mouth until I jump back into my sentence.
"If you're going to talk to me about raising my paycheck, putting me in the spot of a manager or anything related, please don't waste your words." I say with a serious expression on my face.
He scoffs, scanning the room then looks at me into my eyes, "Leilani, you're lovely, but I wasn't planning on keeping you here any longer. Don't worry, I saw how you look at the sky, hoping for a miracle."
For a slight moment I stood there, scanning his face if there's anything left that he'd like to say.
"Best of luck." He said, smiling crookedly then waved me off like it was nothing new to him and it wasn't, maybe it was just me expecting to get my throat ripped out, so I wasn't surprised.
"Thank you" I murmur as I turn around and head for the door. I took another last look at him, smiled softly and walked out, shutting the door of his office.

3 hours later

I'm home. I thought to myself as I walked up all those stairs. I made it to my apartment door, I unlock the door and as I walk inside and lock the door Milo looks at me, waiting for a scratch.
Those blue, ocean-like eyes and that soft, white fur. I love it.
I hang my cardigan, take my shoes off and slip my slippers on.
"Told you I wouldn't be long, let's get you something to eat!" I grab the cat food she regularly likes to have, set it in her bowl and let her feast.

A few minutes later

I check on Milo and see that she's in her little bed, fast asleep. I turned all the lights off wherever necessary and I went to bed where I'd sleep for however long I needed to.


Head to the next chapter if you want to see what comes next!
The estimated date of the next release is when I feel like it

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