Summer Wine

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Margaery Tyrell x Fem!Stark!Reader

Requested by Anon

Request: Anonymous asked: Could I please have an imagine where the reader is the twin sister of Robb Stark who meets and falls in love with Margaery Tyrell (NO STARKS ARE DEAD PLEASE). And her brothers Robb and Jon try to convince her to confess how she feels. The two confess and end up kissing and becoming girlfriends. And you could show her family's reactions (supportive and happy for her). fluffy and angsty, please?

You smiled at the young lady before you. She had been speaking to the group and paused, your eyes meeting, before moving on to look at someone else. You could hear snickering and laughing from across the great hall and looked over.

Jon and Robb were talking quietly to each other and laughing. When they realised they were being watched they pulled simpering faces and mocked you until one of the other ladies looked at them. "Boys. Always our tournaments." Margaery said as she stood beside you for a moment and looked over at them.

"Yes." You answered shyly and she smiled. Someone called her away and you glared at them. They both laughed and hurried off. The afternoon dragged on but you found yourself happily hanging on the words Margaery spoke. Each time your brothers caught your eye they mockingly simpered and gasped. Sansa stepped in and scolded them for you, giving you a sympathetic look as you joined Margaery and her friend for dinner in her rooms.

When you returned you found your brothers lounging around the apartments the family was staying in while in King's Landing.

"How was it!" Sansa gushed as she hurried to you.

"Yes. Did you seduce maidens and sip fine wines?" Robb mocked. Sansa glared at him.

"Things like tea with high-born ladies are very important." Sansa scolded. Arya scoffed as she sleepily slunk in and shoved herself between Robb and Jon.

"It was fine. We had some food and drinks." Sansa gasped at this and her eyes shone as she imagined the tea for herself. "Beyond that, it was of no interest."

"No chance to confess how you felt?" Jon asked as he hoisted Arya up. The sound of your parents had him rushing her to the door of her rooms so she wouldn't get in trouble and miss out on the plans for tomorrow. Plans you would not be taking part in as Lady Margaery had requested your company.

"You should. Tell... her." Robb said slowly. Sansa swooned at the thought of a great romance and threw herself down in Jon's seat. Robb laughed and continued to tease her as you thought about it.


The next morning saw your brothers off to ready their horses and to keep an eye on Arya who had been allowed to join them. Sansa was to tend to the princess who was arriving that afternoon and she had busied herself looking for her most appropriate outfit.

You had left shortly after your brothers, your mother hurrying along with you so she could help you make a good impression before returning for Sansa.

"Be sure to smile. You do have a good smile." She added it to her list of instructions she had given you the entire short walk over.

"Mother, I do not think that Lady Mar..." You started.

"The Tyrell's are the key to Highgarden. If you make a good match there, perhaps your father will change his mind about betrothing your sister..." She trailed off and you knew she really wanted to say 'to the prince.' but she dare not say it with people hurrying around the two of you. You reached the rooms you were to meet Margaery and the other ladies spending the day with her. Her grandmother greeted you both pleasantly and you remembered to smile and curtsy well enough that she complimented you rather boldly and caught a lot of attention. You would never dare admit it to anyone out loud but you were rather pleased. Even with your best efforts, you were never quite able to muster the grace Sansa could despite being older and more practised at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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