❤️‍🔥Lee Felix❤️

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"Go over there honey, we need to get them before they're gone" my husband and beta of the korean mafia, Felix said to me. In a harsh manner. Suddenly he grabbed me by my leather jacket and almost threw me over to catch one of the gangsters. "Got one" I yelled over. Felix caught the other one. One shot fell and I set the other one perfectly into the black headed head.
"Pound it" we said in a choir and we bumped our fists together. "Great job you sexy beast" My man lowly growled into a kiss.
"You're sure that chan is pleased with this? I mean we lost a lot of time.." was my question. Chan was the head of the Mafia. He was Felix' boss.
"Don't break your head about it baby, he will be" Felix assured me and held my hand as we walked back to a black van. The bodies in our hands. Yeah, we were pretty strong. We put them in the trunk and the driver drove off.
Eventually another driver came and drove us back to Felix house. This man looked so sexy, so goddamn hot in his mafia clothes. A long, black coat, hair slicked back and tight black pants, which set a perfect light on his private region. I just needed to look. He wasn't small and you could see it perfectly.
"Charli? Love? Come here" he demanded. A tone to his voice, which let me melt down like ice cream in the hot summer sun. So I did what he said.
"Yes...Babe?" I asked shyly. He smiled, cleared his throat and pointed to the floor right in front of his large desk. He stood behind that massive thing. His eyes piercing into mine. I kneeled down Infront of it. "Good girl, precious girl, my girl" Felix said, praising me. I looked to the ground, he taught me that before. I was only allowed to look at him, when he told me to. So I waited.
He loosened his belt, audibly. I could feel myself getting wet. Not that I wasn't before....
I bit my lip in impatiens. My belly forming bog butterflies. "You were a good girl, and such a good help... Let your daddy reward you" he said, placing a hand on my shoulder as he walked around me, standing still behind me.
"Please and thank you daddy" I answered.
He kneeled down to my height. His breath tickling my neck "ohhhh I will". Fuck, I was so damn horny. It was so warm, I had a heartbeat right in-between my legs.

*Knock knock*
The door was locked. "What? It's not the right time, I'm busy!" Felix yelled annoyed. "Oh you sure, Felix?" Chan's voice filled the room. Oh fuck!
"Stand up, and sit over there! Stay quiet!" My hot husband demanded. So I did. He opened the door for Chan. Which immediately stepped inside. "You lost time, kiddo..." He said in a strict manner. "I know, sir... I'm so-" "that's not important! You got the biggest criminals in town, kiddo. I'm very proud of you." Chan said and formed a smile.
"I have a huge surprise for you" in that moment his eyes met mine... "Ohhh who's that pretty thing?" He asked and approached me slowly. He was inspecting every inch of my body. My butterflies still flying around in my stomach and my lady parts still dripping from Felix before. Chan's demeanor as well turned me on. "I'm sorry sir, but this.... Is MINE" he said, his voice getting even lower than I knew it could.
Do I hear jealousy? Sexy! Chan turned around. "Ok chill kiddo, I got it. But I still have a surprise for you. I will move into another city. They want me as their boss. Another mafia. That's where you come into the spotlight. You will be the next boss here. You will get the benefits, that I have, because you did such a great job and so much more in the last year. I'm proud, kiddo". You could see Felix's face glow up and his eyes sparkle. "What? Omg thank you, sir!". Chan turned around and left the room.
"May I congratulate you, sir?" I said, bravely. I wasn't allowed to speak. "You are allowed, babygirl" he said with a wide grin across his freckled face. "I'm so happy for you babe. You did a great job! You did it!!" I squealed out, falling around his neck, kissing him. He wrapped his arms around me and his knee between my legs. He pulled me closer, so I could feel his knee brushing my princess parts.
My breath hitched. He pushed me away, pointed down again. His belt still was dangling around his waist. I kneeled down again, waiting for his next move.
Felix opened up his pants, letting them sink to the ground. "Look up, look at this. This is all you! Your fault for being such a good and sexy little bitch" he grunted through gritted teeth. He grabbed my neck and pulled me up to his rock hard dick. I knew what he wanted. So I took him in my hands and moved them up and down in a slow rythm. His breath audibly got heavier. "Fuck honey..." His hands found my head, my hair. He started slowly pulling. Suddenly he harshly pulled me up and pushed me against a wall beneath the desk and kissed the soul out of me. The illegally hot Mafia boss ripped my clothes apart, so I stood there.... completely naked. He scanned me. His up and down look was incredible. Eventually he placed one of his hands on my upper body and his other hand directly moved down on me. Feeling the wetness between my folds. "mhhhh so wet, is that all for me, princess?"
I nodded...
So he fingered me for a few minutes, my moaning getting louder and my breath heavier. Till I start to sound really desperate. He couldn't wait any longer either. So he hardly entered me with his whole length.
"Fuck, oh god daddy" I breath out. "Claiming you is my favorite activity honey" he stated. So by now he was roughly fucking me against the wall. Soon I felt a big ass knot building up in my lower stomach. "I'm close, fuck don't stop, please" I begged him. But he stopped immediately and threw me over on his desk, inserting himself again and slowly pushing in. Whilst he slid in he growled "You-are-my-pretty-little-criminal" and as he reached my womb, I let my head fall back and he saw his chance. He bit my neck and left a hickey. "Oh fuuuuuuck" I moaned. "Come on baby, cum for me" he growled into his procedure. His breath on the sensitive spot where he sucked. It was too much. I just screamed out desperate parts of a moan whilest my body twitched and turned. "Ohhh such a good girl, that's what daddy wants to see!" He fucked even harder, whilst placing his hand around my neck. Just to let me ride out my high and pulling himself closer to his own.
Not long after I could hear him growl. His thrusts got sloppy and unregular as he eventually stilled inside me. "Fuck honey... I just breed you. I came inside you." He said with a smile. My eyes shot open. I was only 19... He was 23.
"You're sure you want that?" I asked him. "I wouldn't do it honey, if I wasn't sure." He said, kissing me. Kissing down my body. Fuck... He was perfect.


This is a oneshot for my wonderful daughter of choice Charli_Malia_Stan. I hope you'll like it my love 😘😘 feedback please ^^

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