Bakugou x Deku

63 1 9

Little Bakugou
Carer Deku
Idea from: im_pan_bitchs

It was a day like any other, but not for katsuki. it was morning time, he woke up an hour ago and he was feeling littler and littler by the minute. But he hid it, because nobody would love a weak hero. Heroes don't slip into the headspace of a toddler. It's weak. He was walking to class when his boyfriend Deku saw him and ran up to him. "Hey Kacchan!" "Hey, Nerd." "I was wondering, would you like to train with me after class?" "Sure, whatever." He sat in class and fidgets with his pencil nervously. And soon, class is over. Izuku smiles at him and they walk to the training room together. "Hey deku, let's make this quick, I'm fuckin' tired." "Okay Kacchan."
They began to spar, tackling eachother and exchanging hits and kicks, but suddenly, Bakugous hands exploded on accident, he was disoriented and he tumbled backwards, hitting his head on the cement, he began to tear up and cry. "Ow! Owie!" He looked at Deku, He covered his mouth in embarrassment and ran out of the room to his dorm room. Deku chased after him, "Kacchan! Wait!" Bakugou slammed the door and began to wail like the baby he was inside, he cried. He then heard a knock on the door. "Kacchan..? Please let me in.. I promise it's ok.." "no! Go away!" "Kacchan please? I'm here for you." "No! No! No!" "Kats.. I love you and you can trust me.. I promise I won't hurt you..." "D-Deku.. m' bad.. m a bad boy nd if I let you in you'll be mean and hit me nd call me names and m-manipulate me like everyone has before..." "I promise I won't, we've known eachother our whole lives. I promise not to hurt you. I love you and I just want to comfort you and make you feel better.." Bakugou sighed and stood up and slowly opened the door. "I'll try and trust you.. D-Deku..." "Ok good.." Deku smiled at katsuki and walked into his room. "Now, Kacchan.. I think I have an idea to what is happening here.. you're an age regressor, right?" "Y-Yes.." bakugou put his head down and blushed slightly. "Is that ok with you.. Deku..?" "Of course it is, little one. Now.. where's your paci..?" Bakugou smiled and pulled out his box of little gear, he had a pacifier, it had all might on it! He showed it to Deku with a big smile. "Wow, such a cute paci, baby boy. Do you want to watch any cartoons?" "Yes please.. can we watch an all might cartoon?" "Of course!" Izuku put on the all might cartoon and smiled at the regressor. "I'll take care of you, ok little one?" "Otay, Izu.." Deku kissed Katsuki on the forehead and held him close. "Izu?" "Yes Kacchan?" "Is bein small weak..?" "Of course not, bubs. Being small is a good thing. It doesn't mean you're weak. You're one of the strongest people I know. And I know someday you are gonna be a great hero! And I love you." "I love you too, Izu." Soon, katsuki was getting tired. "Mm.." he rubbed his eyes tiredly "Izuuu... m sleepy.." "Ok bub.. let's get you to bed." Katsuki and Deku walked to the bathroom, Izuku helped katsuki into his pajamas and then, they got in bed together, Deku put on his glow in the dark stars on and they cuddled until both of them fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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