my omori oc :)

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Name: Ander NoLastName

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Name: Ander NoLastName

Age: Headspace 16, Faraway 20

Sexuality: Transmasculine but completely unaware of the fact that they can transition, boykisser

Pronouns: Doesn't care, just doesn't like she/her a lot


Basil [Younger brother]

Hero [Slight love interest but doesn't really care about him dating Mari]

Mari [Best friend]

Aubrey [Very close, always braiding each other's hair]

Kel [Constantly trying to one-up each other]

Role: Aubrey copy

Flower: Oleander


Headspace; Train station / party if you replace aubrey, kel, or hero with them. [the one who was replaced will be seen with mari at her picnics]. Uses a pair of scissors to attack foes.

Faraway; Either Basil's house, a member of the Hooligan's houses, or Hobbeez. On day one when you ask them where Aubrey is, they just ignore you. If you keep annoying them, they threaten you with their box cutter. If you interact one more time then the fight starts, but they only attack every 5 turns due to not wanting to accidentally kill someone.


Moved out of the country with their parents a week before Mari died, so they never actually knew that she was dead. They only found out whenever they met Hero again in college. Ended up taking their grief out the same way Aubrey did [ended up joining the Hooligans] but instead of just directed at Basil, it was directed at everyone.

Annoyed / angered pretty easily but doesn't hold grudges for very long and will make a little gift basket with a bunch of candy and chocolates in it to apologize for blowing up.

Very nice whenever they're not pissed off and very understanding and sympathetic.

Terrible at gardening but tries to help Basil out as much as they can. [before mari's death]

Sits in the bathroom crying and repeating 'It's all your fault.' over and over again in all of the endings where Basil dies.

Stares at Basil and Sunny for a solid ten seconds before smashing a potted plant on the ground and leaving the hospital room in the true ending.

artbook bc i wanna share my drawings with you guys!Where stories live. Discover now