Zander Lawrence

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Hello there. My name is Zander Lawrence and I'm, Clara's father and I know everything that is wrong in My daughter's lives, especially Clara, my youngest. Clara, now can say is very different from her mom. She might think I'm your typical average father but that's the part I just have to play. I love Clara's interests in art. I love that she is not like her mother. Clara is funny and different and although she thinks I don't know she doesn't wanna go to college, little does she know I have a little surprise for her. Now Yanni is my oldest child. She in college and the one she is focused about, other than school of course, is her relationship with Clara. She wanted to fix it so bad and I never understood why, Until Yesterday. I had apologized to Clara for what I've hadn't done which I really really REALLY, wish I had. Yanni is more like her mother but the nicer version. She is respectful of how people feels and she doesn't tear them down like her mother does. But I've observed how she treats Clara different from us. It like she really really wanted this relationship. And even us won't stop her. I had to tell her something that she might not like. Im going away for a business trip for a few weeks and I'm not gonna be home. Therefore.... She will have to share the room with her Mother Laura. "WHAT???" She says trying her best not to be loud. "I have to share a room with mom?? Why?!" She says looking back and forth out to Clara. "Well, I thought you wanted to get closer to your mom so, this is the best solution." I say. I knew sharing a room with her mom, would be a very bad idea, but it wasn't my idea. It was her mothers, but of course I'm the bad guy again. I know she wanted to sleep in a room with Clara so they got talk more and get to know each other better.  But of course, Laura wanted to stop that. I never understood my wife. She was always this disrecptpful mean ball of anger who doesn't even have a job, does no work in her life but shop with my money. Sometimes I forget why I married her in the first place. It probably wasn't even my idea. I saw that she started to become very angry with me so I had to be honest. "Look, it wasn't my idea. It was your mothers, she said she didn't want..." Laura came into Clara's room. "Hey so we are all in Clara's messy ugly room. Thats fun." She says as she walks round and sits on her bed. "Well if it's so ugly why are you in it?" Clara says back with an attitude. "That is no way to speak to your mother! We all know the prettier should get the first say. Right Zander?" She looks at me and trying to smile but I owe it to Clara so I just walk away. Clara laughs as I go in my car for work. I was working from home today, but I needed to find the perfect spot to watch Laura and Clara before one kills the other. Or the might just kill each other. I hired a guy to put cameras in each of the bedrooms so I can "spy" on them. I turned on the mi and I hear, "So Yanni, You wanna go shopping?" and Yanni looks at Clara and asks if she can come too. Laura rolls her eyes and says "But she has no taste in style whatsoever. Did you see what she was wearing 2 days ago when you met her?" Clara looks at her mother and says, "Im sorry I didn't look like your pretty pink barbie doll okay? Thats not my style, and the clothes I was wearing that day aren't even mine. They are Maddie's." She says back. "Ugh that Maddie girl. I don't like her. She also has no taste whatsoever." Clara tells Laura to get out of her room with another attitude and she asks Yanni, if she wants to go shopping in Brooklyn, the artsy home. "Um, can we maybe go to the mall instead?" "Sure, Theres lots or artsy places there as well." They say to each other. Now I can't watch them go to the mall and work at the sometime. Good thing Im on break so I actually can go to the mall, but that would probably be weird. I defiantly know Laura is not going anywhere. So I decided I'll watch her instead. It going boring pretty quickly so I decided to end it here. My point of view of sad town. Where it gets good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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