Thank you for not morphing

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It's been a few weeks since Javna was defeated and I passed out and finally my sisters gave me some more space. In recent weeks I had to report every time I went somewhere. Prue kept dropping me off at school and someone always picked me up. Every cough or sneeze was delivered with over-anxiousness. I decided not to show anything anymore if something was wrong with me, they would only see a cheerful sister. Someone they didn't have to worry about.

We are walking down the stairs, heading towards the house across the street the new residents have organized a party and we have been invited only Prue didn't feel like it. I also a little less because I had an exam tomorrow, but I was glad that I could come along.

"So, we're agreed? Twenty minutes?" Prue began as we crossed the street. Piper and Phoebe looked at Prue "Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes" Piper replied. Prue responded with a "Watch me"

"Prue's party tips - meet, greet and bail" came the sarcastic response from Phoebe. "Hey, I'm sorry but some of us have a job and Pheba has an exam tomorrow, I don't know how you convinced me to bring Pheba with you" Prue said when she looked at me. "Prue, very briefly and I will go home on time, you can just have fun" I tried to persuade Prue. Prue was always so hard-working, she deserved a night of fun every once in a while.

"And some of us have fun" Phoebe responded a bit irritated.

"And some of us are having a really bad hair day" came Piper's response. Prue stopped walking and looked at us "You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late" But before she could walk back Piper's screaming voice came "NO!"

"Prue, it's never too late for a party" Prue sighed and together we walked on to the neighbors, not knowing that there was a dog in the bushes looking at them.

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we throw a party and charge commission. It's a great way to make extra cash" Prue sighed "Hey, I have an even better idea. Why don't you just get a job" I cringed at the comment, but before Phoebe could response, she opened the door.

Marshall saw us coming in and walked straight towards us. "The sisters Halliwell. Now the party can begin" he said cheerfully. I looked at him a bit strangely. "It's about time you chicks showed" came the voice of Cynda Marshall's sister.

"Hey, Prue, I'm glad you made it" Fritz said. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Fritz," Prue said with a forced smile.

"Marshall, the place looks great" I said as I tried to take the focus off Prue. I knew she had nothing to do with the neighbors and hoped this would give her some peace. Marshall and his brother and sister looked at me with smiles on their faces "Thank you. We're mostly just restoring it. I didn't wanna change it too much" he explained. "You guys knew the old owners didn't you?" My attention in the conversation became less when a headache came on.

My attention came back to Prue standing away with Andy and watching Piper and Phoebe spying on them with smiles on their faces. They wanted Prue's best interests at heart, but sometimes they tried a little too hard. "Piper, Phoebe I'm going back home" my sisters announced.

They both looked at me "Are you okay?" Piper asked. "Yeah, that's fine. I just want to have a good night before my exam tomorrow" I explained. She didn't need to know that I was getting headaches from the music and crowding around me.

When I got home I grabbed an aspirin and a glass of water before going to my room. When I was just ready to go I heard noise on the stairs and someone going towards the attic. I thought it was weird because to my knowledge they should still be at the party across the street. I walked out of my room towards the attic where I heard the sound coming from. When I came upstairs I saw a rottweiler trying to get into the attic, when the dog noticed me he started barking loudly and walked towards me. I carefully walked back and when the dog got too close I ran into my room and quickly closed the door behind me. I heard the dog scratching and growling at the door and I hoped he wouldn't come in.

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